Donald Trump's Health

KCFlyer said:
I didn't say anything about the "second amendment people" taking on Trump.  I said the "second amendment people" taking Trumps statement to know, the thing about guns and HIllary taking them away and appointing judges and there's nothing anyone can do...well...except YOU SECOND AMENDMENT PEOPLE.  If Hillary did anything that REMOTELY implied assassinating Trump, the members of the Trump idiocracy would be livid.   But I guess maybe he paid for the hall, so he can say whatever he wants.   
One other thing....without googling it and before it became an "issue"...did YOU know where Aleppo is?  I didn't.  I only know it's in that hellhole that we call the middle east.   Did Trump know where it is?  Why weren't you all over the wunderkind when he spoke about Russia, Putin and Ukraine?
I took Trumps statement "You second ammendment people" to mean voting against her and using the millions of members in the NRA and other gun rights groups to defeat her. Nothing more nothing less. The libtards like yourself want to pump it up to mean Trumps statement as a assassination threat. No surprise there, seeing how out in La La land libtards are.
I have long time friends in the military that have been in the sandbox since the wars started, so yeah without using Google I knew where it was. Don't know if Trump did, but at this point with Isis not being the JV team anymore, I am sure he does.
What rabbit hole are you going down now? Talking about Russia, Putin, and Ukraine? Let me guess, Trump being praised by Putin and Trump stating they might have some mutual respect instead of being laughed at like Putin does to Barry now. Well if Obammy can bow to Saudi kings, and give billions to his friends in Iran for ransom. I guess Trump's statements on Putin are not as troubling in that context. As of yet, Trump hasn't destroyed our national security like Obammy and Hildabeast have.
Ramble on KCfrier...
Zom JFK said:
Oh he will. He will.
yes he will, if he wants to bet Trump will lose to a write in canidate I think I'd take some of that action
Hackman said:
I took Trumps statement "You second ammendment people" to mean voting against her and using the millions of members in the NRA and other gun rights groups to defeat her. Nothing more nothing less. The libtards like yourself want to pump it up to mean Trumps statement as a assassination threat. No surprise there, seeing how out in La La land libtards are.
I have long time friends in the military that have been in the sandbox since the wars started, so yeah without using Google I knew where it was. Don't know if Trump did, but at this point with Isis not being the JV team anymore, I am sure he does.
What rabbit hole are you going down now? Talking about Russia, Putin, and Ukraine? Let me guess, Trump being praised by Putin and Trump stating they might have some mutual respect instead of being laughed at like Putin does to Barry now. Well if Obammy can bow to Saudi kings, and give billions to his friends in Iran for ransom. I guess Trump's statements on Putin are not as troubling in that context. As of yet, Trump hasn't destroyed our national security like Obammy and Hildabeast have.
Ramble on KCfrier...
Wow.  What was the intent of the second amendment when our forefathers wrote it?  I thought it was something like 'to protect us from the tyranny and overreach of the government".  When he gives a speech and says 'There's nothing you can do folks...although you second amendment people, maybe there is".  You have to be wearing yuge blinders to miss that intent.  IT wasn't "you folks CAN do something about it...get out and VOTE".  Nope.  Talking like he has already lost, and she's going to pick the judges and "there's nothing you can do folks"...then bringing up the second amendment as perhaps an alternative.  
Here's the nearest thing to what a Trump presidency would look like.  We just didn't know it at the time:
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cltrat said:
yes he will, if he wants to bet Trump will lose to a write in canidate I think I'd take some of that action
It's kind of sad that this is your only hope. 
Must... grasp... at... strawmen...

Gary Johnson's only chance is to get 3x more support than he already has, and that ain't gonna happen even if someone comes up with photos of Trump and Hillary naked together.
eolesen said:
Must... grasp... at... strawmen...

Gary Johnson's only chance is to get 3x more support than he already has, and that ain't gonna happen even if someone comes up with photos of Trump and Hillary naked together.
But what if that "October Surprise" happens and Hillary has to drop out of the race?  That supports gotta go somewhere unless the founding fathers felt that in the event one of the the two main candidates drops out, the other wins by default.  And I'd venture to say that there are quite a few republicans who would vote for Trump because he was the only other "viable" candidate that wasn't HIllary.  Take away Hillary and now their vote means something.  After all....Johnson's not Hillary, and voting for him would be different than voting against Hillary.  
cltrat said:
you're going to be eating a lot of crow if Trump wins Dr Phil
That's a mighty big 'if'.   The ONLY person Trump was better than was Cruz...and that isn't saying much.  But God help this country if he wins. 
KCFlyer said:
Wow.  What was the intent of the second amendment when our forefathers wrote it?  I thought it was something like 'to protect us from the tyranny and overreach of the government".  When he gives a speech and says 'There's nothing you can do folks...although you second amendment people, maybe there is".  You have to be wearing yuge blinders to miss that intent.  IT wasn't "you folks CAN do something about it...get out and VOTE".  Nope.  Talking like he has already lost, and she's going to pick the judges and "there's nothing you can do folks"...then bringing up the second amendment as perhaps an alternative.  
Here's the nearest thing to what a Trump presidency would look like.  We just didn't know it at the time:
Down the libtard rabbit hole we go. The second ammendment was for personal and national protection. A quote from our first president (do you know who that is without Google help?) "The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference" To me that means anywhere and everywhere that is legally allowed for firearms. To prevent evil, whatever that will be. Personal protection and protection of others from "evil interference". Trump already explained what he meant by the comment, maybe you missed it. I guess you don't know that "second ammendment people" are not criminals by 99.999% of the demographic. To find killers and thugs, those who are a threat, those are in the crime ridden libtard controlled cities like Obammys city of Chiraq. Felons can't possess a firearm, except if you live in libtard land. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
Heres the sad fact KCfrier. Obammy and Hildabeast could not even qualify to be a secret service officer or ANY type of career that requires a security clearance. Hildabeast can't even recall signing a NDA in 2009 regarding security of secret documents. She is disqualified from being president and should be in prison. Period.
Here's the Hildabeast president mantra: I CAN'T RECALL.
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KCFlyer said:
That's a mighty big 'if'.   The ONLY person Trump was better than was Cruz...and that isn't saying much.  But God help this country if he wins. 
"Polling results from 1000 likely voters"
He he he
Tell me about the recent surge in registrations and those thousands of already registered voters that haven't voted for a long time and got off the couch this election cycle......
delldude said:
"Polling results from 1000 likely voters"
He he he
Tell me about the recent surge in registrations and those thousands of already registered voters that haven't voted for a long time and got off the couch this election cycle......
Nobody ever said there was a shortage of idiots in America.  Donald Trump doesn't care about America.  Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump.  Ask anyone who trusted his business and leadership acumen and invested in his casinos, airline, or university.

How many grains of sand in that photo registered because of Bernie? 
KCFlyer said:
Nobody ever said there was a shortage of idiots in America.  Donald Trump doesn't care about America.  Donald Trump only cares about Donald Trump.  Ask anyone who trusted his business and leadership acumen and invested in his casinos, airline, or university.

How many grains of sand in that photo registered because of Bernie? 
Bernie? isn't he the guy Hillary ,the DNC and the rest of your fellow liberals screwed out of any chance of  winning? That Bernie?
cltrat said:
Bernie? isn't he the guy Hillary ,the DNC and the rest of your fellow liberals screwed out of any chance of  winning? That Bernie?
Yep...that Bernie...the guy who got a lot of people off the couch and registered to vote.  How many of his supporters do you see supporting the mentally ill  egomaniac?
more than supports the lying corrupt establisment queen that you,ll be in there voting for despite your deniels 