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DOH and BASES may be the next APFA concession ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ART
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I am usually an observer on this board but I feel compelled to respond to this post. It is meant as food for thought, it is not personal or mean-spirited.

First, Art begins the post with saying that the APFA BOD should have asked for John Ward's resignation as he stated in a previous post. If I recall correctly, that posting stated that John Ward may resign as early as 01NOV according to nameless Dallas morning papers, the exact sources of which were never substantiated.

That post ends with 2 AAers debating if we made any strides in the current contract. The last posting from Airplain mysteriously states, two down, only a few more to go to parity. It struck me as an attempt to cause dissension in the APFA rank and file...divide and conquer...I think all AAers are quite familiar with this tactic.

I'm amazed at the power that has been assigned to John Ward and that darn renegade APFA BOD by certain people on these boards. Let's get one thing crystal clear...WE ARE THE APFA. Our BOD is acting on what it's membership wanted. Once the TWA deal was finalized our email and phone call campaign assault began. There wasn't a day I didn't come to work and not have someone give me a flyer or say, did you call the union yet about integration? When Kit Bond got involved, I called every office on the list on my dime and emailed them to boot.

I am not sure what AA promised you in their feel good, white knight speeches. Many of your postings make it sound like AA wanted to give or promised you the moon. Now the big, bad APFA is blocking everything. What company do you think you are dealing with? AA does not stand for Always Altruistic. AA is not nicknamed the Sky Nazis for nothing, and they certainly do nothing out of the goodness of their hearts.

Here's where the food for thought comes in. It's easy to blame John Ward/APFA for blocking training. If you were in AA management, what is the better solution? Let's see, we can furlough maxed-out TWA F/As and have 3-4 year people fly those lines instead. BONUS!!! They'll blame APFA because we put them in charge of integration!

Perhaps you don't remember or the AA media machine blocked it; before the deal with TWA was final the 3 unions on AA property (APFA, APA, TWU) sent a joint letter to government officials stating they opposed the purchase of TWA. We felt our growth could be done internally without taking on your debt. Were we right? Time will tell.

Then there is the BK conspiracy...Jeez, even the JFK conspiracy makes more sense. Was AA also behind the previous BKs?

I have yet to meet the AA F/A who wants to slot you in, sorry, not being nasty, just being honest. When ex-TWAers who quit and came over 3 years ago start talking about integration, their veins start turning blue and popping, I feel like I have to pull out the EMK and page a physician onboard!

Perhaps DOH should be based on your overcoming your naivete. Don't drink the CompAAny kool-AAid.

Guys, guys, guys. Come on now. No, I don't need counseling for leaving AA for TWA. I sound much better saying I was a Trans World Flight Attendant. Our whole TWA company is like a family, and like family, we can put each other down. It's only when an outsider launches attacks on your family that you stand up for them. Honestly, what would you do in our position? Bow down and thank AA for destroying our company and our hub? We had it so good, and I knew that once the deal was announced, the screw would start turning. Combined this carrier has over 150 years of operating experience, and that is deadly to the competition. I would love to have the opportunity again to join the ranks and try to get this airline back on top, but you have to admit that what has happened to us does little to warrant bringing out the pom-poms and doing an AA cheer.

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