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Does Office of Diversity extend to religious diversity?

On 1/31/2003 7:52:38 AM Bob Owens wrote:

On 1/30/2003 9:04:36 AM eolesen wrote:

On 1/29/2003 11:30:14 PM ScottishWitch wrote:

BB and slan leat,
Erin Saoirse
Translation for the "diversity" challenged?

slan leat = your health (more or less)

I never would have taken you for a Celt. You forgot the rest.
Erin Saoirse means Freedom for Ireland.

I didn't forget. My ties are Scottish, so Irish politics mean very little to me.
What about the Railians? Witches, black magic, and satanism are all so . . . well, mainstream. Railians, now that's shows some real creative charlantanism.
Thank you! I WAS just trying to make a point and I certainly have NOTHING AT ALL against gays, lesbians, bi,transvestite or anything that is different. I traveled to London with my best friend "David" who decided for that trip he would travel as "Barbara" and we had a great time. Having worked in the entertainment world as a freelance writer and spending a lot of time in Hollywood,I can assure you I have seen it all! And I know I am a better person for keeping an open mind. Otherwise I wouldn't be blessed with some of the wonderful friends I have now.

Erin Saoirse
On 1/31/2003 2:46:34 PM Winglet wrote:

What about the Railians? Witches, black magic, and satanism are all so . . . well, mainstream. Railians, now that's shows some real creative charlantanism.
WHOA! Back up a minute! Witches (at least the ones associated with Wiccan) have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with black magic or Satanism. Our law is very simple "If it harms none, do as you will." Wiccans don't believe in Satan - that's a Christian thing. Nor do we "curse", "hex", "jinx" or any other of the Hollywood stereotypes we are so often blamed for. I am not trying for "charlatanism" nor "creative religion" here. I love my God just as much as any Christian,Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist. All paths lead to the one. Both yours AND mine.

BB stands for "Bright Blessings" and "Slan Leat" is Gaelic for "Goodbye, farewell,see ya!" Erin is taken from the Irish "Eire" which is the Gaelic for Ireland. Eiriu was the Celtic Goddess who asked the invading Milesians that Ireland be named for her. They granted her wish and called their new home "Eire Land." And lastly "Saoirse" (pronounced Sayr shay) is Irish for "freedom". And that is my wish for Wiccans!

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