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Actually Bob and Buck, our scope language and contract was better. We lacked pay, and I lay blame to the "owner/operator" title they gave us for that. We lost approx. $2.30/hr. when they came up with that jewel.

Our working conditions or say contract scope more or less made supervision stay in supervision, they could not lift a finger to empty a waste basket or move a ladder.

There is no way to argue that unions are big business now, funny how they changed into what they were born to fight. AMFA is no different, just the new kid in town.

And Buck, not sure about who is going where yet, they have I believe 7 days to decide from the options given on Jetnet. I hear most are given two options, North on I-29, or South on I-29, thank you AA.
Jim Little was appointed International EXECUTIVE Vice-President of the TWU on September 21st, 2004. He now serves along side Michael "the bus driver" Obrien in the Industrial Union from hell, recently replacing bus driver Sonny Hall.

He is still in charge of the ATD, at least until the next TWU Appointment session.

His "without further ratification" of Industry Leading Concessions has earned FULL REWARD within the TWU International.

See that Little is NOW International Executive VP


BTW, the AA answer to Shared Sacrfice is coming in the form of AA Management layoffs. I doubt TWU Jim Little will be willing to take cradit for more employees at AA losing jobs, since he already has many lost jobs on his watch as it is. He will quitely smirk and grin at Mangement Employee suffering loss of jobs at AA. I just wonder how much longer AA will defend the TWU, given the results of Jim Little "Shared Sacrfice" campaign. I have never seen a union man fight for worker concessions and jobs loss like Jim Little has at AA.
Nightwatch said:
Actually Bob and Buck, our scope language and contract was better. We lacked pay, and I lay blame to the "owner/operator" title they gave us for that. We lost approx. $2.30/hr. when they came up with that jewel.

Well your successorship clause, despite what it may have said, did not prove to be better. Language, even if its good, is only good as long as the union is willing to enforce it when it really counts, neither the TWU or the IAM appear to be willing to do that.

Our working conditions or say contract scope more or less made supervision stay in supervision, they could not lift a finger to empty a waste basket or move a ladder.

No but they could just bid back on the floor, back into the union and come back with all their seniority.

There is no way to argue that unions are big business now, funny how they changed into what they were born to fight. AMFA is no different, just the new kid in town.

Yea, just the new kid and maybe in another 50 years or so they may end up like the TWU and the IAM, but as of now they appear to be our only hope, they are the only option that gives us the chance to unite the profession under one union. Isnt some chance better than none?

And Buck, not sure about who is going where yet, they have I believe 7 days to decide from the options given on Jetnet. I hear most are given two options, North on I-29, or South on I-29, thank you AA.

Dont forget to thank the TWU also!

Actually Bob, allowing the supervisors to be able to return to the floor proved to be a better way. They, supervision, had an outlet. They were not cornered into following "bad management" in fear of losing their job. Though never in management, I would say it would serve us well to all try it at least a month, give us a different prospective on the ops.

Any contract/successor clause is only as good as the union's representation. This is one area where the IAM failed us. This is where the IAM lacked approval. I did not like the IAM's "District" level of ops. Where the TWU has autonomy, no "District" level , would have served us better in retaining our seniority. The IAM did not lose seniority, just dues they had already kissed off. The IAM was the main reason an AMFA drive had began years ago. The TWU had everything we had desired out of AMFA.

ANd Bob as far as AMFA being our only hope, I'd like to state that WE are our only hope, and we best be "getting jiggy with it", or we'll all be seeking those $15/hr jobs.
Nightwatch said:
Actually Bob, allowing the supervisors to be able to return to the floor proved to be a better way. They, supervision, had an outlet. They were not cornered into following "bad management" in fear of losing their job.

You an I do agree on this issue... :shock:
Nightwatch said:
Actually Bob, allowing the supervisors to be able to return to the floor proved to be a better way. They, supervision, had an outlet. They were not cornered into following "bad management" in fear of losing their job. Though never in management, I would say it would serve us well to all try it at least a month, give us a different prospective on the ops.

Well you can try it for 90 days.

Any contract/successor clause is only as good as the union's representation. This is one area where the IAM failed us. This is where the IAM lacked approval. I did not like the IAM's "District" level of ops. Where the TWU has autonomy, no "District" level , would have served us better in retaining our seniority. The IAM did not lose seniority, just dues they had already kissed off. The IAM was the main reason an AMFA drive had began years ago. The TWU had everything we had desired out of AMFA.

Such as?

ANd Bob as far as AMFA being our only hope, I'd like to state that WE are our only hope, and we best be "getting jiggy with it", or we'll all be seeking those $15/hr jobs.

Why the change of heart? I thought that just having a job was good enough? Your $15 is the equivelent of our $30. What you fear, we are already experiencing, thanks to you.

By the way, the average TWU member only makes $15/hr, so at the TWU we are the top earners already, do you think they are going to focus on doing better for us when we already earn double that of the average TWU member?
Bob, the concessions were to keep us out of BK AT THE TIME, and it worked. Even after AA rids itself of the TWAers they may still take the rest into BK to remain competitive, kiss you pensions good-bye, I'll be retired and into another role.

Change of heart? Perhaps just tired and looking forward to getting out of the airline industry, it's not fun anymore TOTO.

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