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Do Things Change?

USA320Pilot said:
The company is in the same situation. Industry conditions have changed and continue to change. We either adapt or become irrelevant. That's not an easy message to deliver and even harder to receive.
The failure at US was that the current management team failed to recognize the brutally obvious during Chapter 11. The "POR" was not worth the paper it was printed on (or so they would have one believe).

It is the job of an executive to be forward thinking and visionary. It is the job of folks with MBAs and strategy/forecasting backgrounds to forecast industry trends. These folks are highly paid for their acumen in these regards.

US management clearly lacks these key attributes. These are the skills that highly paid executives are paid to have, and in this case, did not.

So, they are either admitting incompetence or are lying.

Would you trust your future to either? I personally would not, but I don't work for US.
In 1986 ve worked for a company that filed for Ch 7.
Before they closed the doors Management was doing anything and everything to save the company and if that meant breaking a contract they agreed on so be it.
The more Management did to try to save the company the worst employee morale got.

Things had gotten so bad that the only bank that would cash our paychecks was the bank the company did business with. That meant in order for me to get paid I had to drive for an hour to downtown Denver pay for parking cash my check than drive another hour to get home.

Dave was given over a billion dollars by the employees now he wants more. One of the questions that needs to be answered is why hasnt he implemented any other cost saving measures? IMO he hasnt because theirs a bigger plan in the works and in order for Dave to make this work he needs more concessions but according to everyone Ive talked to I seriously doubt thats going to happen.
Luck to all
It is becoming frightfully obvious to me that the "plan" is not to save the company, but sell it--either whole or on pieces. To that end management (and I use that term loosely) is focused solely on busting the unions. I am disappointed and somewhat angry that absolutely NOTHING has been done to fix the core problems with the operation:

Why has PHL not been depeaked or "rolled"?

Why have the fares not been rationalized? As I have been told by a member of management, they COULD do it if they wanted to--it's obvious they don't want to. It has been proven that RATIONAL fares work (they don't ALL have to be the absolute lowest). Look at HP and AS--they make money (or lose very little).

Why do they continue to have all the operational inefficiencies which cause delays, cancellations and more unhappy customers who will leave and never be back?

Why do they not advertise? Their sad excuse for marketing to date is embarassing.
Instead they choose to nickel and dime their best customers (ie. the new club fee schedule), which will send more revenue UA's way.

Why do they do ridiculous things like run fare sales for F class to LAS, then move up the change of configuration in 757's, thereby eliminating 3/4 of the F inventory EVEN FOR PAID CUSTOMERS?

As a concerned customer (and a wholehearted supporter of the employees), I can only shake my head in disbelief. I understand difficult times lie ahead. There will be some difficult choices and I am sure there will need to be some further cuts. HOWEVER, you have already given twice--and management has done nothing with that--the ball is now in their court--THEY must make these changes before they come back to you again. It's only fair, but then again what do they care about being fair.

The best weapon this company has to fight WN is YOU the people who work on the line. You are the best in the business bar none--it's time that someone in CCY acknowledged that.

I don't know what will happen from here, but I can only offer you my support, continued business (as long as I can get where I need to go), and my absolute thanks and appreciation for all you do.

Your company may not appreciate you but we your customers do. (I make sure I say that after EVERY flight).

I wish you all the very best, but I fear the worst is yet to come.......
Art, Thank you, It's good to know there are still passengers such as yourself that can see thru all the "crisis creation" that is going around this airline.. I too would like to know why management is holding off on making the changes that they are able to do RIGHT NOW.............. I have to agree with you that there is a lot going on "behind the scenes".
PITbull said:

You will not allow yourself an "open mind, and you are in major denial. The way you speak about our CEO implies you have more of an intimacy than one might suspect there, big guy 😉 , specifically your comment on knowing what he thinks about when he rises in the morning...LOL....
According to well placed sources you have met him on a few occasions havent you????? Im not in denial I calls um as i see them and i dont have to represent anyone thank you very much! Jealous are we?
art.oNE HAS TO ASK A VERY LODGICAL QUESTION . PLEASE EXPLAIN THE RATIONALITY OF A PLAN TO BUST USAIRWAYS UNIONS AND THEN SELL..?? Makes no sense. Its either one or the other. In my opinion now, they ar egonna merge with someone, no doubt, however the notion of breaking the unions, ( which has already been done) why would they need to sell piece by piece, just sell the whole thing with employees. Makes no sense.

It would make sense if they have to have things packaged without unfavorable contracts in order to sell the company as a whole unit. I do not profess to know it all--I am working on appearances--and appearances speak plenty in this case IMHO.

The APPEARANCE is that all they are concerned with is breaking the unions. The employees are the BEST, and the company should be promoting and exploiting that fact in marketing and promotions--but they are more concerned with taking from you again.

I am not saying there won't be another round of concessions--that is almost a certainty. All I am saying is that they should not come back for more before they fix what is in their power to fix FIRST. In this they are not being fair.

Personally, I find myself driving trips I would rather fly--the fares make it impossible.

I wish you ALL the very best...........
hammerhead said:

it was a play on words. the finger pointing post that all of you like to submit. I was just exchanging "employee with dave" I just laugh at the roundy round game you people play with management.

"You people play with mangement"

Another mangement "spin Doc" along with Crush-er head. :down:
Art; I want to thank you for your loyalty, insight and intelligent observations on what is NOT happening withing this company. I happen to agree or concur with you. U does have the best of the best. Hardworking, dedicated, honest employees, who are really getting the shaft.

Hope we are around many years from now and you are still flying us.

Thanks for your support,
