It is becoming frightfully obvious to me that the "plan" is not to save the company, but sell it--either whole or on pieces. To that end management (and I use that term loosely) is focused solely on busting the unions. I am disappointed and somewhat angry that absolutely NOTHING has been done to fix the core problems with the operation:
Why has PHL not been depeaked or "rolled"?
Why have the fares not been rationalized? As I have been told by a member of management, they COULD do it if they wanted to--it's obvious they don't want to. It has been proven that RATIONAL fares work (they don't ALL have to be the absolute lowest). Look at HP and AS--they make money (or lose very little).
Why do they continue to have all the operational inefficiencies which cause delays, cancellations and more unhappy customers who will leave and never be back?
Why do they not advertise? Their sad excuse for marketing to date is embarassing.
Instead they choose to nickel and dime their best customers (ie. the new club fee schedule), which will send more revenue UA's way.
Why do they do ridiculous things like run fare sales for F class to LAS, then move up the change of configuration in 757's, thereby eliminating 3/4 of the F inventory EVEN FOR PAID CUSTOMERS?
As a concerned customer (and a wholehearted supporter of the employees), I can only shake my head in disbelief. I understand difficult times lie ahead. There will be some difficult choices and I am sure there will need to be some further cuts. HOWEVER, you have already given twice--and management has done nothing with that--the ball is now in their court--THEY must make these changes before they come back to you again. It's only fair, but then again what do they care about being fair.
The best weapon this company has to fight WN is YOU the people who work on the line. You are the best in the business bar none--it's time that someone in CCY acknowledged that.
I don't know what will happen from here, but I can only offer you my support, continued business (as long as I can get where I need to go), and my absolute thanks and appreciation for all you do.
Your company may not appreciate you but we your customers do. (I make sure I say that after EVERY flight).
I wish you all the very best, but I fear the worst is yet to come.......