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Dl To Go Hourly Atl-phl

boeing787 said:
RJ's SUCK. No room, no food, no entertainment, can't even stand up in half of em. Time for the mainline to take back their routes and fly boeings and airbus if these planes are too full not to mention they are weight restricted when 50 people are on board. What a concecpt
hey may be once they get enough erj-170s then maybe they will use them and see how bad it gets!!! otherwise dont bet on this group of mgmt trying to do something that makes sense--that is putting mainline jets on this route! i'd rather fly DL anyway when going to ATL because at least they treat you better
One thing that really sucks is that nasty law of physics by which the increase in wind resistence of a fatter tube is not proportional as the tube gets fatter, but exponential. :angry:

Thus leading to the design of the skinniest possible tubes (but not too long, since drag increases as the tube gets longer, right?).

I agree. RJs suck.
DL tried them same gimmick a few years ago from EWR to ATL, and it fizzled out.
They are bleeding more cash than US is, and won't be able to hold out for long either. Competing with US out of a major hub along with Air Tran and SWA is a wasted effort on their part.
autofixer said:
I remember when I was flying the 757, we flew PHL- ATL and if I recall, it was full. Now it is totally RJs? Huh. I guess you can increase frequencies and still have a high load factor...
Just checked the sked. It's a mix of RJs and a couple of 733s.
i'm kinda surprised by this move. Delta has been flying 11 daily for a while now with a mix of about 4 757's 5 MD-80's and 2 738's. Recently they have been throwing the 762 and 763 in there. If you look at the schedules for the summer there are even 2 daily 762's in some cases. I presume this route will lose all its 757's and 767's with the hourly flts.

So now for a ATL-PHL flt you have to rely on US RJ's, mostly DL RJ's, or FL 717's. For such a popular business route seems like a poor choice of aircraft if you ask me.
usairways85 said:
i'm kinda surprised by this move. Delta has been flying 11 daily for a while now with a mix of about 4 757's 5 MD-80's and 2 738's. Recently they have been throwing the 762 and 763 in there. If you look at the schedules for the summer there are even 2 daily 762's in some cases. I presume this route will lose all its 757's and 767's with the hourly flts.

So now for a ATL-PHL flt you have to rely on US RJ's, mostly DL RJ's, or FL 717's. For such a popular business route seems like a poor choice of aircraft if you ask me.
You lost me there. Where in the press release did it say that DL was going to RJ's from the current mix of MD80s, 737s, 757s, and 767s? It just said that they were increasing the number of flights.
FWAAA said:
One thing that really sucks is that nasty law of physics by which the increase in wind resistence of a fatter tube is not proportional as the tube gets fatter, but exponential. :angry:

Thus leading to the design of the skinniest possible tubes (but not too long, since drag increases as the tube gets longer, right?).

I agree. RJs suck.
Acually, it's radius squared, not exp(radius) -- you're close, though! 🙂

Yes, drag increases with fuselage length, but a longer fuselage has more seats, and the result is a lower cost per seat. That's why you see relatively long aircraft such as the 747-400 and 757 rather than short 'n stubby such as the 747-100 or 727-100.
jimntx said:
... there is too much capacity still in the airline business--the Ivy League "B" school phrase might be "too many seats chasing too few butts." Either LCCs must be forced to raise their fares (which ain't gonna happen) or some capacity has to disappear. I think that means that at least one of the "majors" is going to have to fail before there is any hope of long-term stability in the airline industry.
What a bunch of bunk.

The LCCs have no trouble at all flying as many people as they can find room for.

The only excess inventory in this industry is an excess of over-priced seats being offered by legacy airlines.

Thre's plenty of demand when the product is priced properly. Long term stability is happening -- it just isn't happening in a manner that supports the legacy carriers addiction to high fares.
sorry i got mixed up with the statements about US and DL. As for the new schedule Delta will fly mainly MD-80's a few 738's and 1 or 2 752's. Compaired to now when the fly 4-6 757's and the rest a mix of 738's and MD80s.
PineyBob said:
Could this route be one that the currently "Vapor A/C" that Dave is wanting to add to M/L after the contracts get redone are slotted for?

Also while I'm thinking outloud, why isn't US putting on more pressure on what may now well be the financially weakest of the Big Six carriers. DL has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel just like US does. So why not be agressive there and not focus on SWA quite as much? Work on getting DL's market share and crushing them. Aren't some of DL's key markets ripe for some of the point to point flying the "Going Forward Plan" talks about?
Funny Piney..
PineyBob said:
Could this route be one that the currently "Vapor A/C" that Dave is wanting to add to M/L after the contracts get redone are slotted for?

Also while I'm thinking outloud, why isn't US putting on more pressure on what may now well be the financially weakest of the Big Six carriers. DL has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel just like US does. So why not be agressive there and not focus on SWA quite as much? Work on getting DL's market share and crushing them. Aren't some of DL's key markets ripe for some of the point to point flying the "Going Forward Plan" talks about?
USAirways launch an attack on Delta -- I nominate that for stupid idea of the week.
It is very easy for DL to pick PHL-ATL pax, because US has reduced most of its flying to RJS.

US has a faulty business plan where they have assumed the PAX will fly RJS over 737,md-80s, 757s.

This is the very heart of US problems, and will likely continue to lose market share unless their business plan is corrected!!!!
unit4clt said:
It is very easy for DL to pick PHL-ATL pax, because US has reduced most of its flying to RJS.

US has a faulty business plan where they have assumed the PAX will fly RJS over 737,md-80s, 757s.

This is the very heart of US problems, and will likely continue to lose market share unless their business plan is corrected!!!!
Big deal. Delta does the same thing that US does in non-hub and hub markets.

Southwest flys 737s on the MCO-MSY route
Delta flies CRJs on the MCO-MSY route.

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