Why are you so emotional and disrespectful? Moreover, we have never flown together so why the personal attacks?
Truth sometimes hurts. Sorry about that.
Are you sure about that we haven't flown together? How would I know what a flight is like with you? You have been wrong before (actually you are seldom right)
There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do that will affect the merger outcome, so when would now be a good time to chill out?
Not until this deal is dead. For all you know, my brother is on the creditors committee. BTW, makes sure you tell doogie to look out his window in about two weeks.......And it is not a tube of lipstick this time
I absoultely guarantee you that there are much, much worse things that can happen to Delta Air Lines than a merger with US Airways. There are many, many informed people who believe Delta's resistance could cause the Atlanta-based company to be "carved up". In fact, has a bankrupt airlien ever been fragmented before?
Same folks who said that about UA and those little voices in your mind were wrong about that as well. As matter of fact you are wrong most of the time.
Instead of merger fear if I were you I would be afraid of "fragmentation" due to labor issues. Could it be easier to split Delta up and eliminate ALPA problems than to deal with the pilots?
Yeah, they do have bigger gonads than the bend over babes at US. (ouch, that had to hurt, I'm so sorry)
In my opinion, the reason Delta's senior management team is fighting so hard against the merger is because they will realize a significant equity payout from the "formal reorganization" as a standalone business enterprise, but this payout does not exist in the US Airways takeover proposal.
No they are proud of what they have accomplished in the 15 months they have been running the airline unlike your new buddy doogie darker. And speaking of payouts, remind me again of how much doogie and gang just cashed out off of your efforts and pay cuts.
It appears that Delta standalone plan could reward a small number of executives with something like 9 to 10% of the ownership of the reorganized airline, but again under the US Airways proposal, this ownership percentage (which would be distributed among a very small number of Delta managers) does not exist.
You really should try educating yourself before you cut and paste. Do you have any idea how much the management is being paid? Much, much less than the average. Do you have any idea what Whitehurst was making before he came to DL? Didn't think so. The employees do and they support this team. Why? because unlike your management, they have worked together to pay them more even when having to take cuts. They have protected their pensions, unlike your management. They actually understand how to run an airline rather than just cashing checks.....
Delta's senior management team has exagerated the benefit of their standalone plan, left out information, and their communciation is filled with unprofessional emotion-based fear. ?
Yes they did. Didn't yours do the same. And in the end I could care less what they get. They have worked hard and have earned what ever it is if this abortion is stopped.
Finally, it appears that US Airways' proposal will reward the unsecured creditors (which includes the Delta pilots), but so far there is not indication US Airways' plan will reward Delta's senior managers.
Then you're a bigger fool than you appear here if you think that will not happen. Remind me again how much your buddy Seagull walked away with? Lakefield? Lime Boy?
Does anybody see a problem here?
Nope, the only problem I see here is you.
Best regards,
Back at ya big boy