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DL MD-80 engine catches fire at LGA, one ramp worker injured

The liability lawyer in me would lean toward telling employees to leave firefighting to the fire department professionals, but the potential loss could run $10 million to $100 million or more, so it probably makes sense for ramp personnel to give it their best shot until the FD arrives (like Quagmire's successful effort).   
When seconds count, airport CFR are usually just minutes away...
FWAAA said:
The liability lawyer in me would lean toward telling employees to leave firefighting to the fire department professionals, but the potential loss could run $10 million to $100 million or more, so it probably makes sense for ramp personnel to give it their best shot until the FD arrives (like Quagmire's successful effort).
FWIW, I uesd to train people in fire extinguisher use, including hands on of large units like the one I used.
I still like CFR better. It says it like it is, and in order of occurrence...
Glenn Quagmire said:
FWIW, I uesd to train people in fire extinguisher use, including hands on of large units like the one I used.
...And that's how I first learned, BTW...
You might be dismayed to see how watered down even fire extinguisher training has become.
FWIW, all the gates in my station have the "wagon wheel" model posted earlier.
eolesen said:
I still like CFR better. It says it like it is, and in order of occurrence...
I just call 'em "crash trucks."