No CBA that included any retirement benefits? No 401k either?robbedagain said:wrong pete CWA folks at LUS get PS and theyre in the union yes union they've made out pretty darn good in past few yrs with PS but the down side is they do not have a retirement or 401k
Mr. New kid with a pending 14.5 raise to you Dave.WeAAsles said:The tortoise won the race, not the hare. Weed em out slowly. One at a time. Slow death.
The future is bleak for Mr New kid.
Re-word the question all you want. If the union drives aren't based on money then it means nothing.southwind said:Dude, take whatever I say however you want! I completely understand a job is about more than just a paycheck, but that STILL doesn't change the fact, the IAM took a huge kick in the nuts....period!
OK.....try this one. Did DL's announcement
A. Help the union drive
B. Hurt the union drive
A simple a or b answer would suffice.
Hey look Bob is talkingbob@las-AA said:DL's "Terms of Employment"
#1 Show Up on Time for work.
#2 Work as a team.
#3 No sleeping on the clock.
And in exchange for close to $60,000 a year.
So you don't know what a contract is or means then. Well that does explain a lot.townpete said:Contract doesn't guarantee you sh!t. The employment landscape is littered with unions who failed to protect or sold out the work group.
Case closed.
Wrong they were offered preferential hiring into open ramp jobs.Albert said:Im repeating myself, when DL got rid of Cabin service the employees were absorbed into the ramp. Whem US got rid of the IAM utility they were shown the street
WeAAsles said:The tortoise won the race, not the hare. Weed em out slowly. One at a time. Slow death.
The future is bleak for Mr New kid.
Feel free to tell me when the water is supposed to work it's magic because it's already been 20+ years and i, along with my co-workers on the ramp are now the highest paid in the industry in hourly pay and the profit-sharing will only be icing on an already tasty cake my friend. As has already been stated ad nauseam, this move was taken by Delta after having asked for, and received, employee input on our overall benefits package. So to somehow conflate this with Delta acting unilaterally is simply untrue.WeAAsles said:Put a frog into a pot of boiling water and he'll jump out. Put a frog in cold water and turn up the heat, and he'll boil to death.
Dramatic maybe but true.
Then let them go back. I bet not one will. Tell them to go back then. They won't...Birdman said:
I'll have to admit, not one former DL mechanic I've talked to at WN would mind going back.
Of course, and you know it...WeAAsles said:AMFA over there right?
Whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy.robbedagain said:Hey Pete, our scope guarantees us the company cannot outsource a number of cities thru 2018 or when a new JCBA is reached. We are guaranteed wage increases thru that time period as well plus a raise that took effect. Gee those are guarantee for us and we are union
townpete said:Whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
The fact that most unions today, are simply political slush funds for the DNC. It makes it easy for me to disregard any possibility of wanting to join a union. IAM members howling for Bernie Sanders shows how utterly idiotic the union culture has become.
In 2014, among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual weekly
earnings of $970, while those who were not union members had median weekly earnings of $763.
In addition to coverage by a collective bargaining agreement, this earnings difference
reflects a variety of influences, including variations in the distributions of union members
and nonunion employees by occupation, industry, age, firm size, or geographic region.
Except that it happens all the time and has been for decades.700UW said:And it's illegal for dues money to be given to a candidate or a party.
But petey doesn't care about the facts, the refute his lies.
You're a good party drone. You swallow everything the regime tells you. And without question.WeAAsles said:What is it my good friend 700UW says? "Don't let the FACTS get in your way"
In 2014, among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual weekly
earnings of $970, while those who were not union members had median weekly earnings of $763.
In addition to coverage by a collective bargaining agreement, this earnings difference
reflects a variety of influences, including variations in the distributions of union members
and nonunion employees by occupation, industry, age, firm size, or geographic region.