Did the Ebola patient fly on DL?

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Jul 23, 2003
In the article linked, AA, WN, and UA all state that either they haven't been contacted by CDC or they've been told that the patient didn't fly on them.

Notice that DL is conspicuously missing from the list, and DL is never one to shy away from a media inquiry if it will clear their name.


The name of the commercial airline has not been disclosed.

American Airlines does not fly to Africa and we have been told the passenger was not on a connecting flight involving our aircraft, said spokeswoman Andrea Huguely, a spokeswoman for the Fort Worth-based carrier.

A spokesman for Dallas-based Southwest Airlines, which does not fly internationally, said the CDC has not contacted it and has no information about Southwest being involved in any way.

The CDC has not shared specific patient information that would allow us to confirm whether the travelers itinerary involved United, United Airlines spokeswoman Christen David said.
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Airline stocks are starting to getting hammered as a result of the Ebola news...

DAL down 3.7% by 11am EDT.

UAL, AAL, and JBLU all down 3.1%
eolesen said:
In the article linked, AA, WN, and UA all state that either they haven't been contacted by CDC or they've been told that the patient didn't fly on them.
As we all should already know, the CDC has a super-top-secret-unique arrangement with DL (translation: BS) there is no need for CDC to talk to losers such as AA, WN, UA ............. :)
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
As we all should already know, the CDC has a super-top-secret-unique arrangement with DL (translation: BS) there is no need for CDC to talk to losers such as AA, WN, UA ............. :)
Nope. The Ebola ship made a quick flyover of the CDC to get immunized. All Delta employees are also immune from Ebola due to being co-located in the same city as the CDC.
Disappointed, because this probably now means we won't get treated to the epic "DL winning in Africa" thread by WT.
Was looking forward to that very forward thinking read.
Rumour is that the routing was BRU-IAD-DFW. Besides we stopped service to ROB at the end of August 31. The conspiracy theoriest can look elsewhere. This would explain why Delta wasn't contacted by the CDC if the above routing is correct
I see no reason for the moderators to keep this thread open unless the sole purpose is to flame irrational fears.

I was actually glad to hear Dr. Freiden refuse to answer the questions as to what airline the patient traveled.

I also think it was wrong to start the thread in the first place. I apologize for being one to pile on and make light of the seriousness of the issue. That was just plain wrong.

you are a big man to say what you said. I respect you a lot for that.

I agree.... the patient didn't fly DL and the thread has no business on the DL forum.

It was started without any factual basis to support the idea that DL carried the passenger.

let's hope the case doesn't spread and airlines are not hammered because of this disease.

and most of all, remember that one patient in the US absolutely is nothing in comparison to the enormity of the disease in Africa.

May the best doctors and researchers thruout the world work to eradicate this disease as quickly as possible.
Kev ... No. Just general health alerts for the region. But I don't fly to any of those destinations. FA s get more info then we do .
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