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Developmentally Challenged

On 8/6/2003 9:11:00 AM kirkpatrick wrote:

On 8/5/2003 6:12:43 PM FA Mikey wrote:

The math for your seniority merge doesn't pass evenly through the entire spectrum. If you are at the top or the bottom of the list you see a greater drop, in relative seniority. Since the vast majority of the TW flight attendants had time in excess of 30 years. They would have top loaded the AA seniority list pushing all others lower.


You're assuming a DOH integration. A more reasonable integration formula could result in every native having a higher percentile on the list and the TWA people receiving at least a few crumbs for our decades of service.



Your decades of service were honored by pay and benefits. Something that even our own company transfers don't get.
I don't think it really matters to AA'rs whether TWA was a weak airline or a strong one. The bottom line is we would still have been placed at the bottom. I never really expected DOH, to me that was too much to hope for, but by not even considering anything other than a staple, AA and your f/a union set the tone for the anger that is out there... not us.
This issue will never go away and unfortunatly it is escalating. It could have been handled so much better.
I could have been angry with all the OZ people that went ahead of me but I wasn't and I don't know anyone else who was. We considered them an asset. They added something,
a feeling, a differant type of culture and warmth that we didn't have before. Maybe we could have warmed AA up, it needs it. This will fall on deaf ears at AA, but for the TWA people out there, you know what I mean. Struggle made us stronger, but humble.
This issue would have been over and forgotten had we been valued and offered something that even resembled fair or ethical.
Just like working with anyone from Reno, I would be glad to work with anyone from TWA. I hope everyone gets a call back to work sooner than later. Heres remembering ALL 6000 AA flight attendants on furlough.
Geez, I can't wait to get back and fly with some of you guys, I bet you never run out of ice, since you can generate your own....brrrr....cold
On 8/5/2003 5:53:45 PM MiAAmi wrote:

Nice try Billy!

Well, well,
You cannot persuade others to agree with your pro John Ward (and his cronies) perspective by using facts and logic, so you resort to being condescending and disrespectful.
Keep up the good work, your point of view is trivialized anew every time you post.
On 8/6/2003 9:30:01 PM FA Mikey wrote:

A john ward supporter? Dont think they exisit.

Of course they do exist. MiAAmi is a prime example. I have seen others post elsewhere, mostly on the 4M site, now that the APFA message boards have been shut down.
The point that I was trying to make is that he is unable to respectfully disagree with other points of view, so he resorts to disrespectful and condescending barbs.
If the TWA way is sooooo right-
Then why does judge after judge-case after case-THROW THE WHOLE PLIGHT OUT THE WINDOW?
Of all the past "fact filled" cases/suits set forth by ex TWAers-how many are being heard in any court?
ans: NONE
Answer - several are still in the legal process before the courts.
...the issue has seen its way to the threshold of any legal action on more than one account.............and it has been thrown out....
any remainders in appeals and sour grapes may be sitting on the desk of some clerk-but the issue HAS been spoken for........
You are wrong on several accounts. The F/As seniority issue is soon to be before the courts. There is a DFR soon to come before the courts. And there is an EEOC age discrimination case to come before the courts. Check your facts.