Democrats.....the gift that keeps on giving

Dog Wonder said:
Because the Republicans in Congress want the rich to get richer. Next time cite your source.
And that's why the Street is so in love with
Dog, do you remember a few years back when 'we the people' found out our Congressmen were getting the inside scoop on stock deals they were legislating? Do you remember the outrage over that? Do you remember the new law they passed outlawing that practice?
Dog Wonder said:
PETA doesn't care if you spank your monkey, just don't do it wearing fur..
PETA is a violent leftist zipper head group, nobody really cares what they say except card carring zipper heads. Do you have a PETA license to tie yourself up at night Wonder Mutt? Roll over, sit, beg, hump...
Dog Wonder said:
So why do you think I would?  Quit spanking on your screen, maybe you could read posts.
Well you are a card carrying leftist with fur are you not? You do know PETA lives matter too, not just black.. So you do have a PETA license to tie yourself up at night, good Mutt. Sit, roll over, beg, hump...

Wonder Mutt one-liner in 3,2,1....
Dog, do you remember a few years back when 'we the people' found out our Congressmen were getting the inside scoop on stock deals they were legislating? Do you remember the outrage over that? Do you remember the new law they passed outlawing that practice?
Dog Wonder said:
Does that make the Congressmen Republicans?
You made the claim that the republicans were making the rich looks like you should rephrase that to making each party richer.
They passed a law called the Stock Act.
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700UW said:
You can thank the liberal's "war on coal" for that. At one point over 60% of the jobs in Kentucky was Coal related, now its in the single digits.
So yeah, you liberals built destroyed  that.