Well, we could start with the vaunted tax cut where 90+ percent of the benefit went to the top 10 percent in income citizens and which will create an additional trillion (that's trillion with a capital T) dollars national debt. His fairy tale 10 percent cut for the peons he announced the other day is just that...a fairy tale and will add $600 billion to the national debt. He said that it would be enacted before the elections in November. Hard to do when Congress is not in session again until after the elections. But then dear Donald has never understood that the President of the United States is not an emperor who can make things happen by say so. He's really annoyed that he has to wait on Congress to do some things.And yet again what policies has Trump passed or proposed that has you so certain they are “dead set on killing this country”? I would really like to know where you get these, what I consider, ludicrous idea from.