Delta, US Air, creditors to meet this week

I wonder if this is the meeting where they promise all the DL execs nice golden parachutes to smile and tell their BOD to rubber stamp their early retirement. Boy, Im not a liberal but some of this "executive compensation" crap is really out of hand.
Who is US Air?

It has been US Airways since 1996.
dude it was the title of the article . it was not what he came up with .it was what reuters came up with. damn .chill dude . your always looking for an argument. we all know it's usairways. (or maybe delta)
Who is US Air?

It has been US Airways since 1996.

Sounds like the guy at work who chimes in "WAYS" anytime he hears someone calling it USAir. "US Air hasnt paid my check since 1996." OK, we know its US AirWAYS, but how many other things do you say the entire official name of. Which, come to think of it, is it ONLY US Airways or is there more to the "official" name?
Sounds like the guy at work who chimes in "WAYS" anytime he hears someone calling it USAir. "US Air hasnt paid my check since 1996." OK, we know its US AirWAYS, but how many other things do you say the entire official name of. Which, come to think of it, is it ONLY US Airways or is there more to the "official" name?

I'm a former AWA guy and I still enunciate "US AirWAYS" when someone in PHX says "US Air". Then again, I grew up with Allegheny-US Air. Flew to boot camp on US Air. Flew home on leave on US Air. Just bugs me when people say it.
I wonder if this is the meeting where they promise all the DL execs nice golden parachutes to smile and tell their BOD to rubber stamp their early retirement. Boy, Im not a liberal but some of this "executive compensation" crap is really out of hand.

It doesn't HAVE to take a "liberal" to point out when something is wrong. A conservative could just as easily do it...but they don't. ;)
dude it was the title of the article . it was not what he came up with .it was what reuters came up with. damn .chill dude . your always looking for an argument. we all know it's usairways. (or maybe delta)

Give him a break he wasn't first to post news otherwise it would have been ok
"US Air" still sounds a whole lot better than just "Airways" which many inside the company still throw around.

I'm one of those who says it both ways - sometimes US Airways...sometimes US Air, as shorthand. It's really not a big deal.

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