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Delta Air: Unit Will Launch 36 Boeing 757s In 2003

On 11/24/2002 10:57:33 AM mga707 wrote:

On 11/23/2002 11:34:08 PM Busdrvr wrote:

By your logic, SWA failed because they quit SFO-LAX.

Herb never flew SFO-LAX. Nonstops from SFO were to SAN and PHX only.


My apologies. replace LAX with SAN and PHX.
[STRONG]Shuttle TOOK market share from SWA.[BR][BR][/STRONG]It may have taken some market share, but SWA kept the profits.
On 11/24/2002 7:21:28 PM KCFlyer wrote:

[STRONG]Shuttle TOOK market share from SWA.

[/STRONG]It may have taken some market share, but SWA kept the profits.

UAL was also VERY profitable during that period
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/24/2002 8:19:06 PM Busdrvr wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/24/2002 7:21:28 PM KCFlyer wrote: [BR][BR][STRONG]Shuttle TOOK market share from SWA.[BR][BR][/STRONG]It may have taken some market share, but SWA kept the profits. [BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR]UAL was also VERY profitable during that period[BR]
[P][/P]So, let me get this straight - UAL was making money, so they dropped the service. Seems a bit illogical to me.
I could'nt have written this script any better, plus I get a front row seat, to boot.

My 2 least favorite airlines, getting ready to try to kick the CRAP out of each other

(Being Very serious now), this horse race, will be Very difficult to handicap.
1. DL is a Very formidable(SP?) foe.
2. Every time we think that B6, will step on their dic*, they continue to surprise.
3. And finally WN has the best past performances, of any horse, in the racing form.

Net result's ?

WN crosses the finish line 1st. , followed by DL, with B6, a strong third !!!!!! UAL, and US never left the barn, due to being out of shape, and CO(being ridden by ol' GORDO), broke down on the back stretch, AND HAD TO BE SHOT !!!
Meanwhile, AA and NW, are in the clubhouse, drinking mint julips, and enjoying the view

Busdrvr, your revisionist summation of Shuttle history is contrary to all facts in evidence.

SWA clobbered Shuttle. Shuttle's only function was to maintain market share, which it failed to do. Nor did Shuttle ever make money competing with SWA, it just lost less than mainline would have flying those routes.

Shuttle was withdrawn from the point to point market and redirected as a UAL hub feeder, where it didn't compete directly with SWA anymore. Perhaps Shuttle worked in this role.