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Delle's Legacy

twuer, I did see this sign. I was there. I know you were not in Washington fighting for OUR jobs. However, why don't you link the entire photo of the sign that Dell is holding? Typical of you twuer. Tell/show half truths and full lies. But what should I or other skilled AMTs expect from a coward such as yourself? I say coward because you try to imply that AMFA is NOT fighting for MY profession by posting such tripe.
I am sure someone has the full sign to show. Ah, the days of the twu's lies and ineptness are fast approaching their end at AA. Maybe you can hook up with the twu cartoonist?
Ken MacTiernan said:
twuer, I did see this sign. I was there. I know you were not in Washington fighting for OUR jobs. However, why don't you link the entire photo of the sign that Dell is holding? Typical of you twuer. Tell/show half truths and full lies. But what should I or other skilled AMTs expect from a coward such as yourself? I say coward because you try to imply that AMFA is NOT fighting for MY profession by posting such tripe.
I am sure someone has the full sign to show. Ah, the days of the twu's lies and ineptness are fast approaching their end at AA. Maybe you can hook up with the twu cartoonist?

Whoa there big fella. You can't accuse me of half truths without looking at your amfa cohorts! Pretty hypocritical of you isn't Ken?? That doesn't even merit a response.

I say coward because you try to imply that AMFA is NOT fighting for MY profession by posting such tripe. (tripe: stomach lining of oxen or similar animals, used as food)??????????????????????????

So, tell us Ken, what has amfa done to protect our profession?? Better yet, tell our brothers and sisters at NWA, Alaska and UAL what amfa has done for them.

We don't want to hear about Delle calling you back or that you can vote for Delle. Give us some real proof that amfa is doing anything to protect our profession.

Oh, and I thought you guys said that amfa didn't do the Washington thing????? You're not telling lies and deceiving us again are you Ken?????

Maybe you can hook up with the twu cartoonist?

Or maybe I am the TWU cartoonist??!! :shock: My little secret. HAHAHA!! :lol:
twuer said:
Or maybe I am the TWU cartoonist??!! :shock: My little secret. HAHAHA!! :lol:
Well you might be loking for a new career soon. Heaven forbid that you go back to the floor and work under the conditions you claim are good enough for us!
So, tell us Ken, what has amfa done to protect our profession?? Better yet, tell our brothers and sisters at NWA, Alaska and UAL what amfa has done for them.

Why should I tell NWA, UAL or Alaska AMTs anything? They already made the switch to a craft union for AMTs. I am talking to AA AMTs.
Now why don't you post the full picture of Dell holding the sign? I am not a big fella, I am just a AMT tired of watching his profession erode. Simple as that. Please copy/paste a half truth/lie made by an AMFA cohort.
As for the word TRIPE I used it as a referrence to something vile and disgusting. Exactly like the childish cartoons the twu uses to attempt to defend the twu.
They already made the switch to a craft union for AMTs.

You mean they already made a switch to the unemployment line.
Whats the difference amfa at NW has the highest percentage of work going overseas? The point is amfa is doing nothing to stop the work from being outsourced!!!!!!
And did it bother Delle that no legislature was in at the time of his action? Hey Delle...."They went to lunch!!!" But so goes the "shoe leather"
Wow......Cool sign. I think it's great to see the mechanics in Washington standing up for what they believe in. I know the politicians think alot more of that than the paid lobbyists who stop by every once in a while and treat for lunch. You twu cultist are in a dire need of an AMFA info meeting. Your pathetic at best. It's no wonder we had such an easy time collecting cards. Card count is gone off the web. Next announcement will be on the card filing. You twuer's better find your toolboxes, it's back to work!!
Here's to the twu.....
"Don't worry about AMFA, there are only twelve of them........."
Local 12 associate member
You got to be kidding me! Hey...no one was home when Delle was a knockin' Does that register? Come in Earth...we need a burn!
Twist it...........Turn it..............Spin it................AMFA has made many trips to Washington. It all gets noticed. They are there most of the day. Do you even know where Washington is?? Are you relying on a paid lobbyist to do what you should be doing?? We are on the eve of our filing. twu is the reason. Does that register?? The more you spin it the more cards we get. Give it up and go back to work!! Does that register??
Here's to the twu.......
For a few more weeks anyway............
Local 12 associate member
TWcU said:
TWcU..........you are right........................100% outsource. They did pay their dues to the twu. They had the same twu negotiated scope clause that we have. We don't want to talk about these things though. Big bad AMFA's coming to town. Got to get that coffin shined up!!
See ya big D
Here's to the twu..........
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Local 12 associate member
The only item about AMFA that is scary is AMFA's track record.

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