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Delle Top 10 Excuses

I know a lot of TWscrew people were at the AMFA INFO meeting back in Sept 03 on UB <_< . Now strain your little TWscrew brain and try and remember what Delle said about debates at that meeting.He said we will give the TWscrew a chance to debate us when we hit 55% cards signed and again about 2 weeks befor the vote.The TWscrew said there won't be a vote and our members don't need to here the beauracratic bull of the national rep's debate. TWscrew decided thay would set up a debate between the members to distract from AMFA's proposed debate. I went to both meetings . The TWscrews meeting had about 200 people there . Twenty five % of the people at their meeting were from our craft and class.The rest were retired and stores people.Now chicken little wants a debate with Delle during the protest phase of the NMB filing. TWscrew can show up at the next debate we set up or go debate them selves like last time. AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!
I believe MoveOn may be onto something here with Delle. His age is definately starting to show, or could it be the sudden onset of something deeper? What if he shows up for contract negotiations when he decides the time is right? Oh wait, he already has at Horizon.

What is Altheimers disease? It is a dibilitating disease of the brain wherein one steadily looses his/her memories. I use dibilitating in a somewhat loose sense because from all appearances most Altheimers sufferers do not look physically inept at all, it is completely mental in nature. But in the late stages it becomes quite brutal.
Was that Chicago...
...or Tulsa calling?
Johnny Lunchbox said:
I believe MoveOn may be onto something here with Delle. His age is definately starting to show, or could it be the sudden onset of something deeper? What if he shows up for contract negotiations when he decides the time is right? Oh wait, he already has at Horizon.

What is Altheimers disease? It is a dibilitating disease of the brain wherein one steadily looses his/her memories. I use dibilitating in a somewhat loose sense because from all appearances most Altheimers sufferers do not look physically inept at all, it is completely mental in nature. But in the late stages it becomes quite brutal.
Was that Chicago...
...or Tulsa calling?
You know johnny *hitbox, you personally have a lot to live up to with all of your constant insults against people. The way you run your mouth, YOU DAMN WELL BETTER be one hell a of a IMPRESSIVE speciman of the human race.

Surely, I can very well rely on your membership in Mensa, a body better than Schwartzenegger's in his prime, and the dazzlingly rugged good looks of Tom Selleck? Please tell us how you are all that and then some.

My personal guess: you have the physique of a swizzle stick, a mellon the size of Roseanne's backside with a mug to match, and the IQ relative to yesterday's oatmeal.

Won't you please give more stimulating opinions of how inferior we all are, compared to a shining star such as yourself. 🙄 :lol: :blink:

Your are my IDOL johnny.
:lol: 😛
Hey hackman, based on your personal guess of Johnny Lunchboxes looks (swizzle stick, etc.), I think you've confused him with cunningham.
Moveon said:
Hey hackman, based on your personal guess of Johnny Lunchboxes looks (swizzle stick, etc.), I think you've confused him with cunningham.
Ohhhh, you got me on that whitty retort!!!!! Have a couple more shots of the sauce and you should be able to come up with some worthy material.

Now come on Hackett, enough of the personal attacks, you prime example of masculine beef you. I heard you and Dan are gym buddies...what's that entail? Wait...let me see how this line makes me feel..."I can out benchpress you!!!"..ohhhh...that felt great...now I see why you like that one... And I assure you Hackett, I am one hell a of a IMPRESSIVE speciman of the human race. In fact there nugget, my actual name is Johnny Impressive Lunchbox. And those curious followers of yours want to know...."Who had the melonhead first?" You or Dan?

Back to the thread.....Fact is ...Delle gets to wake up in a different world everyday!
Johnny Lunchbox said:
I believe MoveOn may be onto something here with Delle. His age is definately starting to show, or could it be the sudden onset of something deeper? What if he shows up for contract negotiations when he decides the time is right? Oh wait, he already has at Horizon.

What is Altheimers disease? It is a dibilitating disease of the brain wherein one steadily looses his/her memories. I use dibilitating in a somewhat loose sense because from all appearances most Altheimers sufferers do not look physically inept at all, it is completely mental in nature. But in the late stages it becomes quite brutal.
And how old is Sonny Hall?

How about Kerrigan, who slept through most of the Convention?

Look at the top leadership of the TWU. How many have ever even worked in this industry? Kerrigan? He looks near dead, what is he, 78? Looks like 78 years of hard drinking, how much of a fighter could he be? He doesnt seem to have the energy to even sign the checks anymore. Were did he get his fighting Heritage, over at PAN AM telling the workers to give everything back to "save the company"? The only ones that were saved at Pan Am from all those concessions was Kerrigan, Bakala and the EB of Local 504.

And if Delle did have altzheimers, he would still be more competant than any TWU leader. Altheimers is a degenerative disease, whats Randy McDonalds excuse-limited gene pool?
Bob Owens said:
Johnny Lunchbox said:
I believe MoveOn may be onto something here with Delle. His age is definately starting to show, or could it be the sudden onset of something deeper? What if he shows up for contract negotiations when he decides the time is right? Oh wait, he already has at Horizon.

What is Altheimers disease? It is a dibilitating disease of the brain wherein one steadily looses his/her memories. I use dibilitating in a somewhat loose sense because from all appearances most Altheimers sufferers do not look physically inept at all, it is completely mental in nature. But in the late stages it becomes quite brutal.

And how old is Sonny Hall?

How about Kerrigan, who slept through most of the Convention?

Look at the top leadership of the TWU. How many have ever even worked in this industry? Kerrigan? He looks near dead, what is he, 78? Looks like 78 years of hard drinking, how much of a fighter could he be? He doesnt seem to have the energy to even sign the checks anymore. Were did he get his fighting Heritage, over at PAN AM telling the workers to give everything back to "save the company"? The only ones that were saved at Pan Am from all those concessions was Kerrigan, Bakala and the EB of Local 504.

And if Delle did have altzheimers, he would still be more competant than any TWU leader. Altheimers is a degenerative disease, whats Randy McDonalds excuse-limited gene pool?
And this comes from a guy that doesn't know from month to month which union he wants? How old are you Bob? As old as your rhetoric? Please respond in blue so we know it's truly you.
oooh I like this thread you guys are hot, nothing like a few good insults to let off some steam hugh guys, this thread really had me LOL.

Does everybody feel better now :lol: :lol:
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Now come on Hackett, enough of the personal attacks, you prime example of masculine beef you. I heard you and Dan are gym buddies...what's that entail? Wait...let me see how this line makes me feel..."I can out benchpress you!!!"..ohhhh...that felt great...now I see why you like that one... And I assure you Hackett, I am one hell a of a IMPRESSIVE speciman of the human race. In fact there nugget, my actual name is Johnny Impressive Lunchbox. And those curious followers of yours want to know...."Who had the melonhead first?" You or Dan?

Back to the thread.....Fact is ...Delle gets to wake up in a different world everyday!
There you go again, believe the rumors if ya like sweety. You could come over and see for yourself *hitbox, Dan and I would like that. Now some truth for you : I will bet my next "6 pack" (thats 6 45lb plates, 315lbs w.bar to me) or ( thats 6 twelve oz. cans of liquid twu bravery to you) that you DO NOT have the STONES to reveal yourself here.

Punks, Drunks and Cowards. Yup, that sums the twu up nicely.

Why hide behind your alias if your the man you say you are? Well????? :unsure:

BTW, EVEN at 71 years old, Delle can whip the twu's "best" in a public forum, and thats what counts. :lol: I hope the twu will get the chance to get another sound drubbing on stage before losing ANOTHER airline.

Hackman said:
There you go again, believe the rumors if ya like sweety. You could come over and see for yourself *hitbox, Dan and I would like that. Now some truth for you : I will bet my next "6 pack" (thats 6 45lb plates, 315lbs w.bar to me) or ( thats 6 twelve oz. cans of liquid twu bravery to you) that you DO NOT have the STONES to reveal yourself here.

Punks, Drunks and Cowards. Yup, that sums the twu up nicely.

Why hide behind your alias if your the man you say you are? Well????? :unsure:

BTW, EVEN at 71 years old, Delle can whip the twu's "best" in a public forum, and thats what counts. :lol: I hope the twu will get the chance to get another sound drubbing on stage before losing ANOTHER airline.

Dan and I this, Dan and I that, are you gay? Lot of guys hang out at the gyms huh? You really hung up on this weight thing huh? Count for me...get that push off the bottom...ohhhh..you look nice in that muscle beach t-shirt...whooohoooo!

Even at 71, the hobbit can't remember from day to day what he tells which newspaper.
BTW, EVEN at 71 years old, Delle can whip the twu's "best" in a public forum, and thats what counts.


That's the best one I've heard in long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's the best one I've heard in long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are forgetting: Full revote!

You are forgetting: AMFA does not have enough cards to file!

You are forgetting: The likes of burchette, wells and the teamtwu!

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

GO AMFA! :up:
Ken MacTiernan said:

That's the best one I've heard in long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are forgetting: Full revote!

You are forgetting: AMFA does not have enough cards to file!

You are forgetting: The likes of burchette, wells and the teamtwu!

The twu smells fear... and it is their own!

GO AMFA! :up:
Oh, but you didn't argue with the reason of my "laughter" Ken!!! Delle has NO debating skills and you know it. He does not stand a chance against Jim Little.

Are you not volunteering to debate Team TWU? What kind of debating skills do you have??

Maybe you can talk Dave Stewart into getting up there with you. Let's see. . .who would be the third?. . . . . . . . .maybe Bob Owens, he thinks he knows a lot, or maybe Dan The Company Man Cunningham (that's got a nice ring to it doesn't it?? :lol: ), he runs his mouth quite a bit. Oh, but wait a minute. Delle said NO WAY. Boy, what kind of confidence is that in his own members (associate members I should say!)??!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ken, why do you think amfa is asking for more time to get more cards if they already had enough to begin with???

Amfa is running scared!!!!

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