Dead Car Battery In Pit Employee Lot


Dec 2, 2003
I'd like to thank the mechanic that helped jumpstart my car this weekend in the PIT lot. Car was dormant for weeks and cold weather just did it in. Called Grant Oliver and was told they no longer provide the employee lot with jumpstarts. They do provide it for the other lots at the airport. We used to have this service, what happened? Did Dave nickle and dime the parking people too? This is downright sick.
EyeInTheSky said:
I'd like to thank the mechanic that helped jumpstart my car this weekend in the PIT lot. Car was dormant for weeks and cold weather just did it in. Called Grant Oliver and was told they no longer provide the employee lot with jumpstarts. They do provide it for the other lots at the airport. We used to have this service, what happened? Did Dave nickle and dime the parking people too? This is downright sick.
Yeah OK Eye in the c'mon. Do you really think that Dave is the reason the parking people dont jumpstart cars in the employee lot? This crazy banter is what is driving this company down. I couldnt stop laughing after reading your post.
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Yeah OK Eye in the c'mon. Do you really think that Dave is the reason the parking people dont jumpstart cars in the employee lot? This crazy banter is what is driving this company down. I couldnt stop laughing after reading your post.

Go ahead and laugh. My family nearly froze in subzero temps. What am I supposed to think? Dave is responsible for taking a lot of things. Maybe he did or did not. All I know is I can't get a straight answer from Grant Oliver or the company. Thank god for fellow employees that help one another. Go ahead and snicker. I doubt you'd lift your Lexus hood for anyone.
I agree with Transatlantic. The company provides free parking and now the company is suppose to provide Triple A "AAA" service. I pay a yearly fee for when my car battery is dead. I didn't know the company provided this for free. I'm going to cancel my AAA now. Thanks. Oh, one more thing. Why was your family involved with this? I thought the employee parking lot was used for work purposes. Obviously, sounds like you were maybe vacationing and now you want the company to aid you in your mechanical needs. They already gave you free parking. I'm an off site U and I have to pay when I utilize the airport. Quit your whinning..........
Your family nearly froze... Was the heat turned off in the terminal? Did PIT suddenly move to Alaska.

Maybe Dave should buy you a new car. You deserve it. After all you are a U employee.
Bluestreak said:
Maybe Dave should buy you a new car. You deserve it. After all you are a U employee.

Why not........... would make for just ANOTHER ASSET to sell off !!!!!!!! ;)
I didn't know that they stopped providing "jump starts" either. Fortunately I always carry one of those portable jump start (battery) units with me. I also have a small shovel to dig out when they plow a 3 foot bank of snow across the back of my car. You have to take care of yourself these days......
EyeInTheSky said:
We used to have this service, what happened?
Grant Oliver has NEVER jumpstarted cars at the present terminal. Years ago my car failed to start and they would not start my car either and I pay for the parking out of my own pocket as I am not based in Pit and my airline only pays for commuter's parking if it's a flight attendant base. It's funny though when they breifly moved us (commuters) to the extended term lot they actually treated us like customers, it was worth the extra dollars they charged us.

Grant Oliver has no incentive to treat anyone in the employee lot nicely as they know most people will not park elsewhere. They have always made commuters beg for the priveledge park in their lots. Next time you are with your family park at Charlie Browns they will have all the snow removed and your car running when you get there, it's worth the extra costs.

If Usairways leaves Pittsburgh maybe then Grant Oliver will treat anyone parking their lots as customers.
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Grant Oliver does provide jump starts to all other lots except employee parking. Call them. I saw their tow truck making the rounds in the other lots this past weekend. The guy I spoke to on the phone said they used to provide this in the employee lot but changed it a year ago. I have jump cables but it won't do you any good late at night when no one is around. I was lucky a shift change was occuring and the mechanics were coming off duty. Nice people. Planejane keep throwing those daggars. If you only knew that the family was not on vacation but coming back to attend a funeral.
Sorry for your loss, but that still does not change my thoughts regarding the "this is the way it was, and this is what I expect, and it's all Dave's fault, etc....". A writer from the Pitts Post Gazette, -- USAirways employees are trying to preserve a "Life Style" instead of trying to "WAKE UP" and preserve their jobs. Again, sorry for your loss, but I stand by my original post!
As of last September or so, Grant Oliver was still jumping customers in the paid lots. I cannot speak for the employee lots.
No, actually what's sick is that you expected the company to take responsibility for a car you left "dormant for weeks" in an employee parking lot. You're lucky it was still there at all! If it were in INT it would have been towed and you'd have to find Billy Joe Jim Bob who towed it to his trailer in Goatsbreath, NC. In the meantime, you could sleep on the conference room floor because cabs and busses are pretty much non-existant. :blink:

Pittsburgh Post Gazette will print anything that attracts attention. Maintaining a Life Style? Well, I guess if living paycheck to payceck is a maintaining a lifestyle I should be right up there with Dave.

If UAIR left PIT there wouldn't be a parking lot in which to park. No one else wants PIT - thanks to the state and their inability to attract nw businesses and revenue.

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