My friend put a question to me. To be on a softer side position, could you conjure up a scheme to entertain change to the DCA slot portfolio, like increase beyond perimeter slots, increase within perimeter slot competition, with out reducing services at the small community airports, and no increases in DCA slots. I said it could take awhile, but no. But I'll try.
We'll lets see.
Plus, Minus,
17 new beyond perimeter slots. Some air carriers would reduce their within perimeter slots portfolio.
27 new within perimeter slots, adjusted. Some air carriers would reduce service to large and medium size
communities. (Hubs, Focus, medium size cities)
2 new beyond perimeter air carriers. Only one small city could lose service, but that would be the air carrier
choice(not US/AA), not the DOT and/or the DOJ.
2 new within perimeter air carriers.
No slot increases.
DCA slot scheme could work, but it would need participation to be fair. The air carriers could bow out before phase 1, or before phase 2.
Beyond-Within-Small cities.
So its is possible, win-win-win and no sale/auction.
But I believe some air carriers want a sweetheart deal and DOT is looking at a sale/auction, lose-win-lose.