What's new

Dave, Give us an offer!

Actually managers who know how to convince people to work for less ARE in great demand right now. Look what's happening at United, and some of the rumblings at the other airlines. And not only in the airline industry, but also in every other American industry.

Companies have adopted the notion that paying a middle class wage is against their religion.

To the "movers and shakers" goes the princely wage (and bonuses).

To the working unwashed, a 25% cut still won't be enough.

Those who understand accounting, mechanical engineering, inventory control, and customer satisfaction aren't really skilled, are they?

Certainly doing, is simply doing. Any migrant worker can simply do things. Perhaps better yet, they can do it in some other part of the world for even less.

Those who know how to implement this plan certainly deserve high pay and bonuses (According to the new Corporate Religion).

On the other hand -

Personally, I don't believe that Mr. David Seigel is here to preserve the pork. I believe that he has been hired to do a terribly, hard job. All of the mechanics I work with agree and support his agenda. We have seen so many stupid decisions justified and covered up, that we are tired of being asked to work around them and eventually being told that we caused them.

The mechanics voted no on the last contract proposal because it once again institutionalized pork. And we were willing to challenge our own union to get rid of it.
"However, we need good management, the best money can buy if we are going to survive.....--

.......let's not forget, you get what you pay for when discussing management employees".



Chip -- Are you really suggesting we got what we paid for in Wolfe and Gangwal?