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Cwa Members Only .... Plz

What do you think our CWA leadership should do?

  • Take whats on the table now?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let the court decide?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Start self-help actions (rolling disruptions and picketing)?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strike ... even if it leads to chapter 7?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
And before the weenies start slamming the strikers, remember there are some employees that just can't stomach those greedy dawgs in CCY getting away with the union busting they are enjoying with the help of the judge.

Would the last person out the door please light the match? Schlag! :rant:
Schatzee said:
And before the weenies start slamming the strikers, remember there are some employees that just can't stomach those greedy dawgs in CCY getting away with the union busting they are enjoying with the help of the judge.

Would the last person out the door please light the match? Schlag! :rant:
Is that like lighting a match to cover the horrible smell?
I don't know about anyone else but I am about ready to lose it. Do something - do anything but don't just "take it" like a good little boy or girl. I am tired of walking into my office and hearing or feeling the tension resound around me. Bouncing off the walls and slamming in me the face as soon as I walk off the elevator. I am angry and feel violated. And as I recall, the first proposal the company approached CWA with was no better than what they want now. ( I am referring to pre bankruptcy in the spring.)

Don't wait - liquidate.
FYI- i had an interview with a HR rep...NOT AIRLINE AFFLIATED...Thank God!

My point?

Estee Lauder Cosmetics received a TRAINING TAPE FROM the CEO of Southwest..

ON treating YOUR EMPLOYEES WITH REPECT, Acknowledgement, and just being good to your people..

This was from a RETAIL Side..

So what's wrong with the @ZZ WIPES from U?
golden1 said:
So what's wrong with the @ZZ WIPES from U?

I think that they are just jealous that we are having so much fun at our jobs. (sigh....) I just love airports.............. 🙂
CynicalResAgent said:
Is that like lighting a match to cover the horrible smell?

Yeah! Just waitin to have the tailgate party.....get a group of people together for a round of "The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on fire!"
I do not believe the company wants liquidation, but wants to bust down the unions and make employees work at non union, poverty wages....

I believe if the company had any takers, when they advertised they were accepting offers for parts of the company and that everything was "On the table" for sale.....about 6 months ago, they would have filed chapter 7 and not chapter 11....

I believe the offers that did come in were very low... with the overcapicity of aircraft in the industry right now...and probably only the BOS-LGA-DCA shuttle as getting much in offers....They really don't have anything else that any other airline needs....The others are already getting their pilots and other employees who see opportunitys elsewhere...

I believe threats from the company constantly in the media threatning to liquidate if the employees would only give more...and more...and more....have scared off the public from ticket purchases....ticket sales for Thanksgiving and Christmas are not many...A move that must have been aimed at trying to get the public thru the media on the side of the company, and against the employees, isn't working....and I think the next losses will be big...that and labor problems during the holidays....

Work on those resumes...
and the winner is....STRIKE !

We have already heard the threats of liquidation.....many...many...many..many times...
If the CWA and the IAM do not stick together and vote "YES" for self help they will all be royally screwed. Now don't forget that voting "YES" doesn't mean a definate strike. It could be informational picketing, handing out flyers, organized slowdowns or disruptions and in the extreme case, if need be, a strike. It just gives these groups options.

If the vote ends up "NO" these groups are cooked. It's doubtful that either group will vote "Yes" for management's proposals by mid November. Lakefield will then ask the judge to throw out the contracts, which he will probably agree to, then Lakefield will have a field day. Cut cut cut if you know what I mean. He will be able to do what ever he damn well pleases with pay and benefits. The CWA and Iam will be working for peanuts.

If you vote "YES" that leaves the options of bringing down the house if that is the only option left.
CWA meets with management tomorrow 11-4-04. We want an early-out option. A voluntary furlough/resignation that we take say flying benefits, medical for 90 days. Any other suggestions? The company needs to take a decent, moral stand if they so wish to shake themselves of the senior employees. Don't try to kick out the door after three punches. Show some professionalism.

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