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CWA- another arbitration loss. Way to go Velvet

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Silence comes from shock! How does one person get to run the whole show? Wonders never cease with this gal. Time for her to say adeiu.
Silence comes from shock! How does one person get to run the whole show? Wonders never cease with this gal. Time for her to say adeiu.

:down: I have heard thru the grapevine that Velvet's boss has received lots of emails regarding Velvet's performance. However, she continues to stand behind her. Maybe Ms. Hill needs to join Velvet on the unemployment line......This union is rife with corruption. Where are you Mr. Cohen? You need to step up and be the man you once were. Remember the early days when you really gave a damn???? It's time to come down from the ivory tower and rid this union of lazy, money grubbing, bribe takers.
I said this once before (with Velvet wanting to know who I was), and I'll say it again. Valiantly!

THE CWA MUST GO! THERE IS NO REASON FOR US TO BE REPRESENTED BY A SCUTT UNION! It's HIGH TIME for us to ditch the CWA for better representation. And I'll be waiting for my ballot!
Time to get the ball rolling, maybe somebody at USAPA can give us some guidance on how get rid of the CWA. It pains me to no end to know even a penny of my paycheck is going to Ms Velvet's paycheck. Ms Hill, your apparently not up to the task either. Enough is enough. Time for a revolution..........Down with the tyranny of the CWA.
What happened to the softening up of the new ACP. Another Velvet blunder. They are enforcing it with a vengence here in BOS. Just another BS promise from the company. Oh, and the CWA, why they're doing nothing. Hello, anyone out there. Nothing but silence. I guess old chubby cheeks is hybernating. Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you Velvet, or Anita, or Larry ( I got your dues ) Cohen. WORTHLESS!
They were meeting with the company on Wed about several issues. Cant wait to see what was done/said. We are having agents put on levels for 1 no clock (and only other issue was a TLR back in Apr last year). Sounds reasonable right? Also another 20 plus year agent clocked out 2 mins early with no paperwork. Now increased to level 2. That seems appropriate for the infraction, increase a level. Also, why no receipt or verification of when I clock in/out? If the company is going to make us do it and we have no proof, how are we supposed to prove we did it? Its their word and Workbrain against nothing for us, yet we have nothing to show them because they wont give us anything. I'd rather go to the old fashioned punch clock. At least that way we would have proof that we actually clocked in/out. Also, what about all these people getting moved on levels for clock problems, yet how many cities STILL dont have a timeclock? Can you say disparity in the ACP program depending on where you work?
Something needs to be done about this and yesterday. The natives are getting restless. ********** Just an FYI to those in CWA reading these boards.
Let's hope they don't serve donuts on Wednesday. Velvet will sign a LOA giving away our next three raises. Hell, they take her out to dinner, she'll give away our bathroom privileges.
Wonder when the CWA will get around to updating the cwa.net website. Nothing new posted since November and even then it was out of date.
PHL CWA is on the new ACP full throttle. Stirring up the pot, Tempe and VH....! Guess it has to start somewhere. Heard there are about 90 grievances being heard on this ACP in the next month or so.

BOS CWA has a problem with the ACP since the parking lot for employees is across the river. When the draw bridge rises there is not telling when they will arrive at work. There has also been some state of emergency situations with ice and TEMPE is ignoring their so called "no fault revised language". Guess you have to literally be in bed with management to be pardoned. May grievances alike.

PIT CWA is following PHL in the ACP grievance madness going on.
PROBLEM is they never went to CWA for transitioning from old to new and look where its gotten them!!!!

IAM FLEET in PHL experiencing same and filing grievances. Thats all the info i have. Something has to give soon or else.
anyone is interested I have a name and a number...we can get this ball rolling.... Velvet, please do not bother to call or PM me since this involves getting rid of you.....
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