I have been very critical of Ms. Shamblin, and with good reason. My experience has shown her to be pretentious,
mimetic, defensive and not very adept at analysis. That being said, I'm looking forward to her communication(s) with the F/As pertaining to the contents of the F/A displacement meetings next week.
Oh, c'mon lgw aren't you being a little harsh? After all Ms. Shamblin has taken a business class or two via correspondence courses. Surely that gives her the tools needed to be the VP of Inflight.
By the by, your assesment of her is spot on. "mimetic"...that's a good one!
Be still my heart! :wub:Right now, it appears to me that the F/A's are being jerked around more than any other work group at US. F/A's need to be treated like gold. Unfortunately, the alchemists at HQ seem to be hard at work with reverse engineering in an attempt to create lead.