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Credit Union

Clearview is not the US CU anymore and does not except new employees. PACU is now being pushed as the official cu on the websites
Clearview is a hell of a lot better then the banks in and around here..Especially Ohio Savings..THEY SUCK BIG TIME>>More problems with them, the CU smooth sailing,except the limit to only 6 transactions per month is the downfall I dont like-other then that, this mickey mouse bank Ohio SAVINGS STINKS BIG TIME! :down:
BoeingBoy said:
Actually, Hope, there are two offices at the CLT airport though I suspect many are not aware of the 2nd at the old terminal building near the training center and hanger.

ATM availability includes the Cashpoint nationwide network (I believe it's owned & operated by the National Credit Union Association) and those operated by other members of the Association (I routinely use the NC State Employees Credit Union ATM near my house), all with no fee.

Likewise, I have never incurred a fee for using an ATM overseas, as long as it was in the Cirrus or Honor network (Cirrus seems to be widespread in Europe).


Jim, you will get charged a fee if you go outside the network. I live North of PIT and the only place I could get free ATM transactions was the Steelworkers Credit Union, everybody else charged a fee of a $1.50 or more. I switched to E*Trade and where ever I am I get reimbursed any ATM fees. For example, I was just in Las Vegas in a casino; needed cash it was $4.00 charge to use the ATM at MGM...E*Trade reimbursed the fee. Was in Hawaii earlier this summer, ATM in Waikiki was $3.00, again, that was reimbursed. Had I been with Clearview I would have incurred all those extra fees. Believe me, I would have liked to stay with Clearview, but they are no ways near competitive for those of us who do online billpay and use ATMs all over the world.
EyeInTheSky said:
I just dumped Clearview. Their online banking website sucks and it costs to do online billpay. You can get better amenities and online billpay for FREE from E*Trade (you get FREE ATM TRANSACTIONS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD with E*Trade), Bank of America, PNC, to name a few. Do your homework, the credit union used to be a good thing, now like a lot of things it's lost the competitve edge.
If you really believe in the credit union movement, and don;t Like Clearview if you ar US or don't like AWACU(CFCU) at HP, look for a local credit unon that has a community charter. Most areas have them and all you need to join is live in a certain community.

In Phoenix, there are several that only require you to live in Arizona or Maricopa County. Boeing Employees Credit Union in Seattle offers membership to anyone living in the State of Washington. Look for a CU that has a charter that lets you join based on where you live.

There are two airline credit unions that offer membership to any airline employee.

AA Credit Union (AA) https://www.aacreditunion.org/
and Wings Financial (NWA) http://www.wingsfinancial.com

The most important things to look for when you join a credit union, pricing, and branching networks. There are two CU networks that give you nationwide access.
CU Service Centers ( www.cuswirl.com ) and CO-Op Network.
EyeInTheSky said:
Jim, you will get charged a fee if you go outside the network.

You're right, of course. The question is the breadth of the network. So far with PACU, at least, I haven't had a fee at any Cashpoint ATM, another credit union ATM (I've only used 3 or 4 different ones), any ATM on the Cirrus network in Europe, or the Credit Union Service Centers (apparently a jointly owned network of service centers that handle transactions for any member credit union. The Cashpoint ATM's and CU Service Centers are pretty much nationwide.

I have to agree with the majority of Clearview FCU opinions. Ever since they lost their Travel and Medical then dropped USAirways, The UAIR employees seem to treated like red-headed step children. ( Especially ones living check to check ) PACU by far is more friendly and accomodating. Example, after the 42% overall paycut we took PACU was more then happy to resuce my intrest rates and re-negotiate my PACU line rate. Clearview on the other hand refused to help lower rates with the exception of my Clearview VISA and no longer would payroll deduct for either my VISA nor Powerline ! Furthermore, PACU actually called me back a few weeks later to ask me if I would be interested in a debt consolidation program. Ive always been pro - North but gotta admit I found the Southern Hospitality from PACU a nice relief!

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