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CPAC, the party of inclusion....

Ms Tree

Jul 13, 2010
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CPAC and GOProud
David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, which plans the annual CPAC event, said that conference doesn't require "loyalty on every single issue" from attendees, noting that he expects to hear vocal debate on topics like immigration reform and trade policy, in addition to gay rights.

"Our business is to bring together everyone who's under the conservative umbrella," Keene said in an interview with ABC News on Tuesday. "It's like Reagan said, if you're 80 percent with me, you're with me."

Maybe people will realize that if they get the nut jobs on the fringe of the party out, they might make some head way. I still do not understand being a member of a party that is trying to make your way of life illegal but it's a free country.
CPAC and GOProud

Maybe people will realize that if they get the nut jobs on the fringe of the party out, they might make some head way. I still do not understand being a member of a party that is trying to make your way of life illegal but it's a free country.
Don't forget to include your own nut-job party as well who only love to use the gay crowd, immigrants, etc when their votes are needed and then discarded shortly thereafter.