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COVID-19 airline policies discussion

Go for it. I give WN's extra cautious approach six months at most.

Meanwhile, the 90% of the ticket buying public who is super cost conscious will continue to book the cheapest airline even if it means only saving $20.

Seriously, I suspect there is a good chunk of the country who won't continue the whole "social distancing or die" mentality past the end of summer.
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Well that enforcement of face masks didn’t last long at Southwest.
CNN? Fake News Channel. I don't believe it. That was almost the exact same reading as the article I read about American, United and Delta, but NOT Southwest. Sir, I work at Southwest and have not seen, read or even heard of such a memo. Where's the memo? Why didn't CNN provide a copy of such "memo"? Especially since they are known so well for being fake news.
The face mask are still very much required to fly on Southwest as well as JetBlue. Now JB was the first airline to have the requirement of mask and/or face coverings and I applaud them for doing so. Then Southwest shortly followed. Then the big 3 said they would NOT force it or deny boarding. But, the article I first read said what will they do if a passenger removes mask or cover after takeoff? And that it was NOT an emergency enough to cause a divert, so what do ya do??? The media just gave the general public the upper hand and that is not right. I say wear the mask or covering or sit your arse back down in the terminal. WAY TO GO JETBLUE!!!

Here is another one. No they don’t have the actual memo from the airlines. JetBlue says about the same thing. Let’s face it if one allows someone not to wear a mask they all will follow suit eventually. Now you do understand that the face mask is supposedly to prevent a person from spreading the virus. It will not protect the person from getting the virus or so we are told. You could just as easily pick up the virus working in the interior of the aircraft without a single passenger on board. You are correct about Fake News Channel
that’s the same Channel that’s got people upset thinking the sky is falling and the world is coming to and end. If this same event occurred 40 years ago without 24 hour news and the internet the only report you would get is on the National News in the evening after the local news. We wouldn’t be bombarded every time you turn around. I wish Walter Cronkite was still around!!

Here is another one. No they don’t have the actual memo from the airlines. JetBlue says about the same thing. Let’s face it if one allows someone not to wear a mask they all will follow suit eventually. Now you do understand that the face mask is supposedly to prevent a person from spreading the virus. It will not protect the person from getting the virus or so we are told. You could just as easily pick up the virus working in the interior of the aircraft without a single passenger on board. You are correct about Fake News Channel
that’s the same Channel that’s got people upset thinking the sky is falling and the world is coming to and end. If this same event occurred 40 years ago without 24 hour news and the internet the only report you would get is on the National News in the evening after the local news. We wouldn’t be bombarded every time you turn around. I wish Walter Cronkite was still around!!
Agree that if one airline allows then more and more passengers will try to defy the rules and regs and that's why I fully support Southwest, Alaska and JetBlue for "enforcing" their rules.
Yes I do understand about the mask. I said the same in my post. "A mask does not protect the mask wearer from getting infected. The mask wearer is protecting all others if the mask wearer were to have it." At least to the point of transfer by misting from mouth or nose. Still have the touching factor involved as well, as you have stated about still getting from the cabin area, which is why I would be gloved up as well as masked up and wear full covering of all skin etc...
Not only fakes news but as you said, CNN wants to "promote" any and all negative news for the economy to try and make Trump look as bad as possible since this is an election year. So anything to entice the general public to not get the economy going again they will attempt big time and push it to the fullest.
I miss Walter too.
I wasn't gonna post this video from our CEO in another airline but thought it might be appropriate here in this issue we are discussing about mask, distancing etc...
A bit long, but informative and he also addresses how SWA will go forward with distancing, mask, cleaning and temp scanning prior to "anyone" getting onboard. He also states how May is looking better than April with LF's reaching approx 20% from a dismal 5-10% in April. Each week in April started to better, and now May better than April, hopefully June, July and August all continue this trend and each month get better and better before the oh so dramatic month of Oct gets here with hopes of still no layoffs; we can only pray for it...


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