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Could Hp Have To Give Up Dca Slots?

1ab said:
Well since DCA/phx and las/dca slots could easily be traded for some other route that usairways now operates ...
I would no be worried about losing slots

Huh? It's not like there will be a trade for beyond permiter slots. If they have to give those up, no number of DCA-ORF or anywhere else is going to make up the revenue.
Flying Titan said:
Is it correct that a 767 could be used for these flights? IIRC, no airline has ever used an aircraft this large at DCA. I believe a 767 would take somewhere between 7000 and 8000 feet for takeoff if fully loaded. If that's the case, then there's not enough pavement. I may be wrong, but I'm sure someone on this board knows (or can find) the correct numbers.

If it's possible, this would be a huge plus for the combined airline, giving it an advantage over all of its competitors in the market (to LAX, LAS, or PHX).

IIRC, United did use DCA for a DC-10 - once.

It was an interesting scene.
Beyond-perimeter slots are not automatically transferrable. A route proceeding would need to take place, and you can bet that there'd be no shortage of airlines willing to go after them.

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