- Nov 9, 2003
- 16,512
- 5,865
- Banned
- #16
Well, the "management" group wasn't quite that solidly in the "favorable" camp.....
Let's see:
49% of all employees participated. The highest participation amont the 'major' employee groups was Maintenance (58%), followed by Flight Ops (57%), Res (53%), Inflight (49%, Pax Services (48%), and Fleet (29%). The "All other groups" had 68% combined participation.
Highest ranking questions (most favorable responses): "My job contributes to the success of the company" (76% favorable) and "I know what is expected of me" (72% favorable).
Lowest ranking question: "I feel valued" (54% unfavorable)
Favorable/Unfavorable by length of service: Almost a straight line between those with the least time being about 53% favorable/23% unfavorable to those with over 15 years being about 41% favorable/38% unfavorable.
Maintance had the most unfavorable response - 32% favorable/45% unfavorable. As I said, "management" has the most favorable response - 65% favorable/15% unfavorable.
Let's see:
49% of all employees participated. The highest participation amont the 'major' employee groups was Maintenance (58%), followed by Flight Ops (57%), Res (53%), Inflight (49%, Pax Services (48%), and Fleet (29%). The "All other groups" had 68% combined participation.
Highest ranking questions (most favorable responses): "My job contributes to the success of the company" (76% favorable) and "I know what is expected of me" (72% favorable).
Lowest ranking question: "I feel valued" (54% unfavorable)
Favorable/Unfavorable by length of service: Almost a straight line between those with the least time being about 53% favorable/23% unfavorable to those with over 15 years being about 41% favorable/38% unfavorable.
Maintance had the most unfavorable response - 32% favorable/45% unfavorable. As I said, "management" has the most favorable response - 65% favorable/15% unfavorable.