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Corporate Culture Survey


Dec 19, 2002
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The Capital of the World
I just took the new corporate culture survey available on The Hub. I'll bet the results will NEVER be made public or even hinted at. But I think Tempe will get their eyes opened, and then ignore the results.
I'm still shocked that anyone even asked. I took the survey too. At least Tempe is making the effort by making an attempt.
I'm still shocked that anyone even asked. I took the survey too. At least Tempe is making the effort by making an attempt.
This survey has been done for a number of years now. And they do release/publish the results.
The surveys are a waste of time and money. After the last survey some rez agents were asked to be part of a focus group to figure out why the morale was so bad. They said there would be a follow up mtg but guess what, it never happened. Senior managment was adv recently the morale is worse than ever and the reply was " I think you are mistaken." If anyone in Tempe had a clue most of rez managment would be out the door. They are incompetent and clueless. To our elite members on the west side, let me apologize in advance, the new DM program and info on the rollout of the new website has not even begun. There is no way they can train all the agents in time. Once again we will be left with a mailbox full of **** and no training. Most of the agents within rez-westside have been with the company less than a year and are being drafted into other depts based on reverse seniority. Many will be leaving for other companies and others will quit before hiring on with other companies. The response from managment is that there are 300 call centers in PHX and of course there will be turnover. THEY DO NOT CARE! Most of the senior FF agents have just been notified they had to move to the internet support desk and are furious. They have wiped out the whole dept to move to the internet dept and internet agents are being move to CSD. The reason given is that we are so shortstaffed-which by the way is their own fault. You cant treat people poorly pay them poorly and expect them to stay.If they havent gotten a clue yet they will never get it. I dont think corp has a freakin idea because their subordinates are telling them all is okay. If anyone from corp reads this -your rez dept is imploding and do something, many agents are going to Carlson and Amex trvl. Amex told an agent this merger is the best thing to happen to them because they are getting the best qualified people ever and their training classes are 60 percent former HP employees. Rumor has it that the next class for newhires was cxld due to lack of interest. The managment has created a chaos not seen in years and our passengers will be the ones to pay the ultimate price. I am sitting back(as I dont work for this company) and watching. I will be the one to say "I told you so and you didnt listen-now you will reap what you sow."
I believe when HP employees voted to join a union further talks could not be done by managment until a contract was in effect. at least that is what happened at US before cwa contract. It means there hands are tied , it is aslo why HP CSR's did not get the company raise a few months back.
So much for todays lesson on "How to turn a positive into a negative". We'd like to thank our usual participants. Now, if you'll excuse me, i'll go into a deep depression... :down:
I took the survey, but thought it was fairly generic in nature. I guess since there are so many different departments with different needs and problems, it would be hard to do one more specific for the entire company. I do hope they compile the info and if there is a glaring problem in one area, they follow up some. I would have loved to have given some specifics as to why some of my answers were like they were without having to send another email. There are several things that could be easily corrected IF the info went to the right person. Maybe for the airports they could do a station specific questionaire to get some more feedback without taking names of the offenders. I'm sure with the comments it wouldnt be hard to figure out who/what needs some changes attended to.
The managment has created a chaos not seen in years and our passengers will be the ones to pay the ultimate price. I am sitting back(as I dont work for this company) and watching. I will be the one to say "I told you so and you didnt listen-now you will reap what you sow."
I always thought Mama that you worked for old HP....??? You are quite correct in all you state....morale is low everywhere--I don't care what anyone says...the basic thing is we are all just pluggin along....right now I really feel for our support desk--CRC/PRP--what are we calling them now??? They are getting shafted big time...and management does not seem to care...everything that was questioned in the big announcement last MAy...it seems to be coming true...who was that guy--Seymour??--who asked the real question...do you honestly care about the welfare of your employees'?
The managment has created a chaos not seen in years and our passengers will be the ones to pay the ultimate price. I am sitting back(as I dont work for this company) and watching. I will be the one to say "I told you so and you didnt listen-now you will reap what you sow."

I always thought Mama that you worked for old HP....??? You are quite correct in all you state....morale is low everywhere--I don't care what anyone says...the basic thing is we are all just pluggin along....right now I really feel for our support desk--CRC/PRP--what are we calling them now??? They are getting shafted big time...and management does not seem to care...everything that was questioned in the big announcement last MAy...it seems to be coming true...who was that guy--Seymour??--who asked the real question...do you honestly care about the welfare of your employees'?

Be aware that if the company thinks everyone is satisfied and morale is improving without managment lifting a finger to change/improve provisions in the contract, there will be NO changes during the negotiations process that is going on with all labor groups.

Keep it real
I believe when HP employees voted to join a union further talks could not be done by managment until a contract was in effect. at least that is what happened at US before cwa contract. It means there hands are tied , it is aslo why HP CSR's did not get the company raise a few months back.
The company has sole jurisdiction over management and operation of its business and the direction of its working force and the right to establish rules and regulations to maintain efficiency in its place of employment and the company has the right to hire, promote, demote, select for training, discipline and discharge employees for just cause.CWA/IBT would allow a raise at any time
I took the survey, but thought it was fairly generic in nature. I guess since there are so many different departments with different needs and problems, it would be hard to do one more specific for the entire company. I do hope they compile the info and if there is a glaring problem in one area, they follow up some. I would have loved to have given some specifics as to why some of my answers were like they were without having to send another email. There are several things that could be easily corrected IF the info went to the right person. Maybe for the airports they could do a station specific questionaire to get some more feedback without taking names of the offenders. I'm sure with the comments it wouldnt be hard to figure out who/what needs some changes attended to.
That's very true........the survey is too generic.

I would suggest that everyone take the time to respond as your situation fits to each and every question to corporate.communications@usairways.com

An e-mail was sent by an employee, immediately after taking the survey, questioning why there was no place to free text/add comments. The response was extremely quick. Send your questions, comments and concerns to corporate.communications@usairways.com

Please take the time and submit your concerns. I am going to.
I just took the new corporate culture survey available on The Hub. I'll bet the results will NEVER be made public or even hinted at. But I think Tempe will get their eyes opened, and then ignore the results.

From this week's aboutUS -->

The results are in from US Airways’ recent Culture Survey and they clearly show we (read: management) have a lot of work to do. This is no surprise, of course, but the results provide some great information on where we need to focus our efforts.
From this week's aboutUS -->

The results are in from US Airways’ recent Culture Survey and they clearly show we (read: management) have a lot of work to do. This is no surprise, of course, but the results provide some great information on where we need to focus our efforts.

So, Barbell...any chance that you might share with the rest of us what specific areas management plans to focus their (cough, cough...aarrrrgghh. Oh, that's much better...ahem) efforts?
Just general stuff so far Prince. How many submitted the survey, persentage of each major employee group, etc. Biggest thing I noticed was that the "management" employee group's answers were overwhelmingly positive......


[Edit to add]
Starting with the mid-July issue of 'About US' they'll look at a question in detail each week.
Just general stuff so far Prince. How many submitted the survey, persentage of each major employee group, etc. Biggest thing I noticed was that the "management" employee group's answers were overwhelmingly positive......


[Edit to add]
Starting with the mid-July issue of 'About US' they'll look at a question in detail each week.

Thanks for the reply, Jim.

I would love to see if even one member of upper management had something to say contradictory to the rest of the "positive" group. That's the person I would believe the most, unfortunately, because despite their negative view, that would suggest to me that they weren't robotic or a member of the "Yes Men". They also might be the first to get let go, which would be sad.

But aside from my mumbling over here in the corner, why not conduct a survey where there are no multiple choice questions? Instead, ask questions such as, "What do you like best about US? What do you like least? Where do we need to improve? what do we do better than anyone else?" Et Cetera.

Yeah, it might take longer to tabulate, but I bet it would be more accurate in determining where to specifically focus efforts to improve the airline.

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