Contested Convention

If Republicans are still trying to STOP TRUMP, they should just vote for Billary. If Trump runs as an independent, he will take a great majority of the party with him. And, oh. Libtards, the worst thing you can do is rely on "party loyalty" because you would be surprised where the back-stabbing will be prevalent!  
signals said:
If Republicans are still trying to STOP TRUMP, they should just vote for Billary. If Trump runs as an independent, he will take a great majority of the party with him. And, oh. Libtards, the worst thing you can do is rely on "party loyalty" because you would be surprised where the back-stabbing will be prevalent!  
So now that Berntard has won Indiana, it looks more like the "contested convention" will happen in Philadelphia.

Kev3188 said:
Not me asking.
Maybe you can clearly explain to xUT why you support him.
Because out of everyone he has a history of solving problems and actual accomplishments. Hiring top people who produce and holding them responsible. Taking action and responsibility.

Has he had failures? Yes of course, but he always bounces back.

He would never be as successful as he has been if he was some crazy person as you all paint him to be.

He stands his ground, he's unapologetic, he's destroys the wimpy PC class.

He's a true leader with a proven track record.

Now if people want to dismiss him outright because of his bluster then that's all in their head.

But no one can match his achievements especially the two idiots to choose from on the democratic side.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
C'mon  ' TownPUMP ' , convince us All that T-Rump was your initial choice as this horse race in the 'Out of Touch' GOP got off to it's start.  C'mon, TELL US.  Was it Booby Jindal, or Jim Gilmore ?  Baldy WALKER, or CARLY ?   'Tons of Fun' Christy, or Lindsay Graham Cracker ?  Rand Paul or 'lil MARCO ?  (uncle) BEN  or the 'HUCKLEBERRY' ?    I mean, Jesus, we ALL know it wasn't that Loud Mouth YANKEE from New York City  !  (I'm gonna' guess your 'boy' was the BIBLE THUMPING  CRUZ missle. You know, the guy who said  GOD, Every other word.  HELLL, he made poor old Thomas Jefferson roll over in his Grave.( Religion and Politics you know.)
When Cruz the CUBANO  headed for the exit, at THAT moment, it signaled (forever in US History) The  D E A T H  of the real RE PLUB BLICAN Party  F O R E V E R.
None too soon, I say !
:D  :D
So, "Cruz the Cubano".
Besides being a BIGOT, your a racist too!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
C'mon  ' TownPUMP ' , convince us All that T-Rump was your initial choice as this horse race in the 'Out of Touch' GOP got off to it's start.  C'mon, TELL US.  Was it Booby Jindal, or Jim Gilmore ?  Baldy WALKER, or CARLY ?   'Tons of Fun' Christy, or Lindsay Graham Cracker ?  Rand Paul or 'lil MARCO ?  (uncle) BEN  or the 'HUCKLEBERRY' ?    I mean, Jesus, we ALL know it wasn't that Loud Mouth YANKEE from New York City  !  (I'm gonna' guess your 'boy' was the BIBLE THUMPING  CRUZ missle. You know, the guy who said  GOD, Every other word.  HELLL, he made poor old Thomas Jefferson roll over in his Grave.( Religion and Politics you know.)
When Cruz the CUBANO  headed for the exit, at THAT moment, it signaled (forever in US History) The  D E A T H  of the real RE PLUB BLICAN Party  F O R E V E R.
None too soon, I say !
:D  :D  
you probably should consider not drinking so much before you get on here.
but since we're here how did Hillary "criminal" Clinton do last night?
Serious hand wringing at the HC war room.
Funny, all this screaming and blood letting over Trump and now it looks
like any contested convention issues are
Crinton funders have to be having major issues.
She needs a FBI shoe drop real
That coal mine crap cost her a lot of union support.
delldude said:
Serious hand wringing at the HC war room.
Funny, all this screaming and blood letting over Trump and now it looks
like any contested convention issues are
Crinton funders have to be having major issues.
She needs a FBI shoe drop real
That coal mine crap cost her a lot of union support.
R  I  G  H  T    !!!!!!  dell.
And since when was  W VA going to go Blue anyway, huh  ?????
Way too many people in W VA who must have missed the part of their American History lesson in school.
You know which one dell.  The Thomas Jefferson part about religion and Politics being a  NO - NO  !
Besides, the Donald has MORE negative ratings among MORE of the US demographics  than  'HILL !   There's not Enough Angry white men in the country to carry T-Rump to '1600.
Now, as to 'HILL gettin into a JAM over Benghazi,  IF she's going to get indicted, Obama's Attorney General wont let it go down until AFTER the election, which would mean  'HILL's  VP would then become  POTUS.  (Elizabeth Warren anyone) ??, OR, Maybe uncle  JOE B. sticks around for a 'third' .   See dell, it would be  tit  for tat.  Meaning the  F  GOP wants to wait to fill an Empty SCOTUS spot,...OK, two can play the same game.    Prediction.  FBI director  James Comey   QUITS  in a 'snit'   !!

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