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Consumer Report Airline rankings.

Piedmont was Airline of the Year and was ranked #1 with JD Powers in the mid 1980's ...... until cooool northern efficiency took over. But that was a lifetime ago.

Remember when Wolfe said USAir was a carrier of convenience, not a carrier of choice ? Not much has changed.
If you review the actual report, it's apparent there is only a 5 point spread (67-62) between ALL of the Legacy carriers, except for CO. So a more accurate summary is that US/HP,UA,NW,AA and DL are all very close and rated at the bottom of the list.
Try as one might you just can't polish a turd 😀

But you can have a Sr VP send a customer an enema kit 😛 THAT they can manage.

That is incorrect. I have a friend who, under the influence of several adult cocktails, freeze dried and subsequently polished a German Shepherd turd.

I was not present at the event.
Well, Mr Parker I would like to thank you building a
well run machine...notttttttttttt!!!!
If I do remember before merger hp was always at the bottom
of rankings and US If my memory serves me right was always
6th or higher....and look what you have done, once an
airline with a good ranking and you combined it with your
low class company and wham we are at the very bottom.....
You and your staff have brought down a once good airline
to garbage, all within 1 year.....and yet you stated
you wanted to get rid of your senior employee's...

Well the proof is in the pudding, the senior airline
beat out your junior airline in rankings every year,
that should show you that experience is hard to replace.

You need to wake up and make an about turn, because this
airline is not going to prosper with your inexperienced
management staff...Exp( PHL your most money making hub
and you have an inexperienced 27 year old as director of
customer service...whats that all about, half the agents
in the station have more years of experience then his age
BIG MISTAKE....and don't think we havn't noticed everything
is hp way....no wonder we are at the bottom....maybe if
just think about it and put an old experinced US person
thinks could probably change.....and I'm no college grad..
just pure common sense..that can do a better job than
yout pure HP personnel....... and this not east verses west
its just pure facts......................another thought
why don't you ask why your inside shift mangers are quitting and your css's are downgrading....NO ROCKET
When exactly has USAir run a quality airline? Do you suffer from memory loss?
No, actually I don't. We ran a very good operation, when we had operation people running this company instead of investers. I've been around since 1981, and despite me going from a fresh faced new hire to a 48 year old woman, I do remember and very proudly thank you very much!
Read the post, Hulagirl,it says before the raiders arrived. Wolf, Siegel, Bonner etc. This company was run exceptionally well!

Oh please - this was never a "world class airline". I mean really - agony air - to us despair - give me a brake! People that post this stuff are taking REALLY good drugs!
When exactly has USAir run a quality airline? Do you suffer from memory loss?
The newest mantra "building a better airline" shouldn't be too hard to achieve since we hold the Last and Second to the Last Place positions.
We have no where else to go but Up!!! : 🙄

Except we spent thousands of dollars to squeeze those last inches from our customers leg room to add more seats to make more $.
Where did it get us....Last Place. Take that to the bank. :down:
I used to be a U FF, but it's now so unpleasant to fly, I spend less than a third what I used to do on discretionary travel. I'm willing to accept the notion that almost all carriers are unpleasant, but U has become tortuous in coach. But THEN the ultimate is the weird, almost disturbing, psycho attitude that a full size but trim adult male can relax and enjoy the flight for 3 hours on a Republic Embraer... at least some of the Embraers. It strikes me that I'm never going to like or respect the people who suggest that it's not torture, but even more to the point, I'm not sure I trust them to run a safe operation.
The sad fact is, that providing a quality product does not necessarily result in a successful company, especially in America. Is Nordstroms more successful than Wal*Mart? Is Ruths Chris more successful than McDonald's? A recent article stated that the Chinese made a comment that the U.S. was partly to blame for the pet food poisoning incident. Their comment was, to paraphrase, "cheaper is not always better". This country is so obsessed with profits and low costs, yet we are surprised when the products and services that we buy are inferior. Granted, there are companies that do a good job of providing a decent product for a reasonable price, but their success seems to stem mainly from managing expectations.The key problem for US and the other legacy carriers, is promising
more than they can deliver for the price that they charge.
No, actually I don't. We ran a very good operation, when we had operation people running this company instead of investers. I've been around since 1981, and despite me going from a fresh faced new hire to a 48 year old woman, I do remember and very proudly thank you very much!
Absolutely....I've been flying with them since the Allegheny days (1970), and as an elite since 1993. Now all airlines had ups and downs, but from a customer perspective, US really was a great airline and their service compared well to the others and in many cases exceeded the competitors.

What we have now is a total embarrassment. I knew things were getting bad, but it really came to light when I started taking flights on other airlines (Delta, United, Midwest and American to be specific). Doug and his cronies have ruined this airline. I really wish they would have kept the America West name because this is not USAirways.

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