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Consession Targets-meeting Them Or Not

At this point, is it fair for one group or more to not meet consession targets whil other groups do?

  • No it is not fair, to not meet the targets!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes it is fair to not meet the targets.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Apr 1, 2003
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Should some groups subsidize others when everyone is making a big sacrifice to help keep US Airways a viable competitor...and yes, this concept includes management.

Weigh in with your thoughts!

Can you close this stupid thread?


Do you want your job saved or not.....otherwise, for $10 million WE WILL GO OUT AND CHAOS IF THE MORONS ABORGATE OUR CONTRACTS.

Get it? Good!
If one represented group caves and gives the company every dime it wants, I do not think it is a "fairness" issue if another group does not follow suit.
How can you possibly think CHAOS is the best avenue when every other airline is paying their employees far less than our employees. We as a group need to have a union that is more interested in saving the company with positive negotiation skills. Why can't we negotiate for better conditions as the financial health grows in this proposed contract period.

I think it is irresponsible to take down the company to prove a point. What point? A 100% paycut.

And NO I Don't Get You.

PITbull said:

Can you close this stupid thread?

Do you want your job saved or not.....otherwise, for $10 million WE WILL GO OUT AND CHAOS IF THE MORONS ABORGATE OUR CONTRACTS.

Get it? Good!

Ya I know, you won't be happy until you take the company down...you make me embarassed to have any part of union membership.

Having said that, these kind of statements are what I expect from you and your type.

This is a cowards way out, and anyone can just say no, DUH. It takes a leader to stand up and explain the hard facts, the list of undesirable choices, and stand behing what is best for all members of their group.

Do you care about a 15-20 year FA PitBull, do you think they should be furloughed so that you can make more money, work more hours, etc. Are you willing to cut a little deeper in to your pocket to save those? Or would you prefer to send them to Mid-Atlantic?

Good luck to us all, you of all people will need it, I just cound not imagine you in a job interview...in fact the very thought of it makes me bust out laughing....

PITbull said:

Can you close this stupid thread?

Do you want your job saved or not.....otherwise, for $10 million WE WILL GO OUT AND CHAOS IF THE MORONS ABORGATE OUR CONTRACTS.

Get it? Good!

She does not get it, she acts only on anger and emotion...no critical thinking and decsion making involved. Write down todays date and we'll see if she goes off again next month too, we may be on to something her!


PS- CHAOS is a great way to get fired!

EternalOptimist said:
How can you possibly think CHAOS is the best avenue when every other airline is paying their employees far less than our employees. We as a group need to have a union that is more interested in saving the company with positive negotiation skills. Why can't we negotiate for better conditions as the financial health grows in this proposed contract period.

I think it is irresponsible to take down the company to prove a point. What point? A 100% paycut.

And NO I Don't Get You.
CO F/As make more then US as does UA, AA, NW, DL and WN.

Gee, don't let the facts get in your way.

And remember the Bankruptcy code states:

All cuts must be Fair and Equitable to both employees and creditors.

Gee a group that makes over $150,000 per employee only gives $305 Million and a group that makes $32,000 to $50,000 is asked to give $232 Million, hmmm does this seem Fair and Equitable?

UYH you and your fellow ALPA members have embarrased all of us since 1992.

Gee, did you get paid to fly over a picket line or did you stay home and get paid?

Your group at US has sold out all pilots in the United States.
UseYourHead said:

Ya I know, you won't be happy until you take the company down...you make me embarassed to have any part of union membership.

Having said that, these kind of statements are what I expect from you and your type.

This is a cowards way out, and anyone can just say no, DUH. It takes a leader to stand up and explain the hard facts, the list of undesirable choices, and stand behing what is best for all members of their group.

Do you care about a 15-20 year FA PitBull, do you think they should be furloughed so that you can make more money, work more hours, etc. Are you willing to cut a little deeper in to your pocket to save those? Or would you prefer to send them to Mid-Atlantic?

Good luck to us all, you of all people will need it, I just cound not imagine you in a job interview...in fact the very thought of it makes me bust out laughing....

I see all the managment types just came out on this board a-gain.

There will be NO INVOLl. furlough.... unless of course THE COMPANY DECIDES TO CLOSE THIS BAD BOY DOWN.

I won't explain this to you again, there is a furlough package, and many will leave. The concern is here is having a wage, and work conditions for those who can't leave or choose to stay. THEY are the ones that have to survive.

If they can't survive financially, there will be no ratification. And if there is an abrogation...YOU ARE OUT OF A JOB.

I could care less if EO gets it...they are NOT one of us. And the rank does not protect management jobs!
The rank should not protect management jobs. The management jobs will be victims of friendly fire anyway.

EternalOptomist (EO) is an FA here, I have PMed her in the past.

Why is it that anyone that does not agree with you is management? You have accused me of it more than once.

Let me spell it out PitBull. You are an typical Pittsburgh steel mentality kinda person, who does not get it. That attitude did not serve the steel industry well, and will not work here either.

We work in a market driven economy, there are no entitlements. The company becomes competitive it it goes away.

If it goes away, the world is a cold harse place out there and 20000+ lives will be affected far more adversely than these cost cuts. It would be better to go to counsuling and get help refinancing than to lose everything, including health insurance and the like.

You are not a critical thinker, and are attempting to lead your group to disaster, shame on you.

PITbull said:
I see all the managment types just came out on this board a-gain.

There will be NO INVOLl. furlough.... unless of course THE COMPANY DECIDES TO CLOSE THIS BAD BOY DOWN.

I won't explain this to you again, there is a furlough package, and many will leave. The concern is here is having a wage, and work conditions for those who can't leave or choose to stay. THEY are the ones that have to survive.

If they can't survive financially, there will be no ratification. And if there is an abrogation...YOU ARE OUT OF A JOB.

I could care less if EO gets it...they are NOT one of us. And the rank does not protect management jobs!
Let me spell it out PitBull. You are an typical Pittsburgh steel mentality kinda person, who does not get it. That attitude did not serve the steel industry well, and will not work here either

Putting a label on something doesn't validate it, especially when there are/were so many other variables involved. Same for the "just like Eastern" mantra spewers. BTW, the continued assault on labor as the backbone of a business plan bit will not work here ( or anywhere else in the free world ) either.

We work in a market driven economy, there are no entitlements. The company becomes competitive it it goes away

Weak response that begs the question...assumes the original point is true and throws in a catch-all "business 101" cliche in a pathetic attempt at credibility to boot. It ignores the utterly incompetent leadership and their myriad of misteps and miscalculations...which are well documented....and paid for ( bonuses ) effect on competitiveness"

If it goes away, the world is a cold harse place out there and 20000+ lives will be affected far more adversely than these cost cuts. It would be better to go to counsuling and get help refinancing than to lose everything, including health insurance and the like

Sheeya right! Like laying off and outsourcing the majority of the workforce would be any less cold or harsh.

You are not a critical thinker, and are attempting to lead your group to disaster, shame on you

And YOU are not a very honest debater or purveyor of rhetoric. YOU are hoping against hope that enough of everybody ELSE becoming cannon fodder will insulate YOU from the the same hacking and give even a chance of holding on for a later day that may or may not come...whatever it takes...right NOW.