confirmed standby questions


Sep 2, 2004
OK - Need some help from the experts.

Found out last night that I need to get from the PHL area to PBI on Jan 2 and return Jan 4, so I ended up purchasing a ABE-CLT-PBI-PHL-ABE ticket that was within price range. Flight times for the inbound into PBI aren't the best and would like to take advantage of the new "confirmed standby" policy that US offers to see if I can make in a bit earlier.

CP Liason (btw you guys are the best) confirmed that it was a possibility to fly via PHL under the confirmed standby policy, but my question is would I get a confirmed seat at ABE or would I be taking my chances at PHL?

Thanks in advance!

If there are seats to sell up to capacity on both flights, you pay the $25 Move Up fee in ABE and should be confirmed all the way to PBI. If the PHLPBI flight is full (over capacity) you do not have to pay to stand by, but would be taking your chances in PHL.
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Thanks much for the reply.

The PHL-PBI flight is currently sold out however I'll keep checking in on it to see if there's a chance of me making it. If not, I'll stay with the flights through CLT and see if I can get the earlier CLT-PBI flight.
