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Concerned Aviation Technicians


Sep 29, 2003
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Is AMFA the Best Choice or the Destruction of the Aviation Profession? You be the Judge!

Are you aware Amfa has 35% of its members on Layoff? The highest percentage in the Industry!

This web site has been developed for an educational resource for Aviation Technicians and Related workers in the airline industry. (Work in Progress)

Aviation workers are under attack like never before in the history of the industry. In the last few Years, several major airlines have entered bankruptcy others are preparing for or threatening to enter bankruptcy. Aviation workers are being forced to sacrifice to save their company and jobs.

Trying to capitalize on all the unrest in the industry, an anti-worker enterprise known as the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is assisting Airline management. This same tactic was used before The Wagner bill! Known as the National Labor Relations Act, which was enacted in 1935 to help stop the injustice. They are attempting to erase more than sixty-five years of collective bargaining advances for the Mechanic & Related employees throughout the aviation industry. On top of this! They are expanding with the control of the McCormick Group and Attorney Seham to include Fleet Service Clerks (AGW) and Flight Attendants (PFAA).

AMFA is the most destructive force against airline employees since Frank Lorenzo. This organization has changed the Labor Contracts with the Airlines for decades to come and will stop at nothing to achieve their objective.
How's this for change?

March 31, 2003

James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO
AMFA is the most destructive force against airline employees since Frank Lorenzo. This organization has changed the Labor Contracts with the Airlines for decades to come and will stop at nothing to achieve their objective.

The above post is spoken by a real communication officer not dealing in reality. Industrial unions have been the most destructive force, besides inept management, in the airlines towards our profession. Hey, mci afl-cio, lorenzo is laughing himself into a coughing fit thinking how much more today's airlines and toy unions have decemated our craft and class.

AMFA has indeed changed the way labor contracts are negotiated with airlines. AMFA set the bar at NWA by getting nWA AMTs and AA AMTs the best raise ever. AMFA has shown that they will stand by the membership and listen to their membership. Even if it means picketing the White House and look straight in the face of a PEB.

You sound increasingly fearful as we get closer to filing with the NMB. Enjoy your cowardly posting days at AA mci afl-cio. Because come July the twu will be gone from our profession. B)
Ken MacTiernan said:
AMFA is the most destructive force against airline employees since Frank Lorenzo. This organization has changed the Labor Contracts with the Airlines for decades to come and will stop at nothing to achieve their objective.

The above post is spoken by a real communication officer not dealing in reality. Industrial unions have been the most destructive force, besides inept management, in the airlines towards our profession. Hey, mci afl-cio, lorenzo is laughing himself into a coughing fit thinking how much more today's airlines and toy unions have decemated our craft and class.

AMFA has indeed changed the way labor contracts are negotiated with airlines. AMFA set the bar at NWA by getting nWA AMTs and AA AMTs the best raise ever. AMFA has shown that they will stand by the membership and listen to their membership. Even if it means picketing the White House and look straight in the face of a PEB.

You sound increasingly fearful as we get closer to filing with the NMB. Enjoy your cowardly posting days at AA mci afl-cio. Because come July the twu will be gone from our profession. B)
You sound increasingly fearful as we get closer to filing with the NMB. Enjoy your cowardly posting days at AA mci afl-cio. Because come July the twu will be gone from our profession

Ken, Is eveyone who opposes youa COWARD? It seems to me allI read from you is post your real name dont use an alias, and COWARDS

Ken, I am not fearful as you get closer to filing, not at all, in fact Im excited, excited because I know you will lose but also knowing that once you do lose this will not be over, its just a matter of time you and the AMFA drive willbe back RAIDING again.
So Ken withthat said, My COWARDLY days will go on and on posting at AA, You see Ken, come July, when your voting drive is over, all you will have succeeded is that you and your AMFA organizers have done is to show the TWU how much support and unity they truly have.
Ken of the cards AMFA claims to have, how many do you beleive will actually vote AMFA? AMFA has less than 60% now, after the vote, I fore see, to be generous.......40% for AMFA?
Ken, Maybe you dont care or realize, but how many mechanics on both sides, not just AMFA supporters but the TWU supporters must lose their job over this RAID? Are you happy knowing that the intensity of this RAID has cost a few members their jobs? I dont mean from lay offs Ken,
Is AMFA the Best Choice or the Destruction of the Aviation Profession? You be the Judge!

Under the TWU A&P Mechanics had more work permanently transferred out to other lower paying classification. The TWU shifted these jobs over though attrition during the economic and industry expansions of the 80s and 90s so that A&Ps currently employed did not get laid off, however those jobs did however dissappear. The headcount of A&Ps did not follow the same expansion as the airline.

Are you aware Amfa has 35% of its members on Layoff? The highest percentage in the Industry!

Whether that number is indeed correct we do not know since no source is revealed. What is left out is that UAL went AMFA after the layoffs. In other words those AMFA members became AMFA members who were laid off as IAM members.

This web site has been developed for an educational resource for Aviation Technicians and Related workers in the airline industry. (Work in Progress)

We have been in decline for twenty years. You saw no need to "educate" us for twenty years. Too little, too late.

Aviation workers are under attack like never before in the history of the industry. In the last few Years, several major airlines have entered bankruptcy others are preparing for or threatening to enter bankruptcy. Aviation workers are being forced to sacrifice to save their company and jobs.

And what are our AFL-CIO unions doing to prevent this forced sacrifice? Are they organizing pickets, threatening to strike or putting together any plan of resistance whatsoever? NO. They have instead jumped into bed with the companies at our expense. During all of this the TWU organized only one picket, a picket calling for government aid for the airlines, they didnt even set up a picket line for laid off airline workers but they set one up for the airlines!

Trying to capitalize on all the unrest in the industry, an anti-worker enterprise known as the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is assisting Airline management. This same tactic was used before The Wagner bill! Known as the National Labor Relations Act, which was enacted in 1935 to help stop the injustice. They are attempting to erase more than sixty-five years of collective bargaining advances for the Mechanic & Related employees throughout the aviation industry. On top of this! They are expanding with the control of the McCormick Group and Attorney Seham to include Fleet Service Clerks (AGW) and Flight Attendants (PFAA).

Well after what the TWU did there isnt much left to erase. Was that the TWUs strategy? "A scorched earth plan". Lets leave these employees with nothing left when they leave us?

The fact is that top officials in the AFL-CIO and other unions realize that the labor movement in the airlines is all screwed up. Even Sweeney admitted as much. When I had a discussion with one former AFL-CIO official about this he agreed that we need to realign the labor movement in this industry, and he stated that it could not be done internally, we would all have to leave, reorganize, then go back in to the AFL-CIO as new unions. Remember the AFL-CIO is made up of both craft and industrial unions. The SEIU put out an essay titled "United We Win" that called for unions to specialize so they could focus. The SEIU,the biggest industrial union in the country admitted that the one size fits all theory of Industrial Unionism is ineffective under some circumstances, such as ours where we have seen a constant decline in wages and benifits despite an overall rise in productivity, growth, employment and profitability. Sure there would be some resistance from the unions we left but its very unlikely that the AFL-CIO would lock out unions that represent the majority of Airline workers because of a grudge by three of its members whose main gripe is that we are not an industrial union.

AMFA is the most destructive force against airline employees since Frank Lorenzo. This organization has changed the Labor Contracts with the Airlines for decades to come and will stop at nothing to achieve their objective.

Ever hear of the word plagiarism? That comment about Lorenzo is almost word for word what I said about the TWU months ago. However I backed it with facts, unlike you. Are you guys that pathetic that you can even think up your own lines?The TWU brought in B-scale, flex benifits, gave away R&D from maintenance which resulted in elimination of mechanics jobs at stations all across the country, stations like Buffalo, Cleveland etc, scores of stations go unmanned by A&P mechanics to this day, the net effect is that there are thousands less mechanics at AA even at the best of economic times. They also eliminated deicing for A&Ps and farmed out work to Rockwell Collins, Matsushita, Tank Tigers etc, along with letting other carriers bring in outside maintenance contractors to work on airplanes in AAs gates and hangers. The started having current employees pay for the health benifits of retired employees through payroll deduction-prefunding, and were the first of the major carriers to have their employees far for health benifits. And all of this happened before the latest fiasco that eliminated holidays, sick time, IOD time vacations, shift differential and a 17.5% paycut! Who did all that AMFA or the TWU? THE TWU DID IT ALL!