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Company Union Now Hosting Company Survey

Decision 2004

Mar 12, 2004
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Now the TWU is hosting a company survey regarding AIP on the TWUATD website,

Company Union - Company Survey - Click Here

and the results will be posted on "JETNET".

The TWU cannot help but wet the bed with AA at every turn.

God help us if change does not happen soon!

Feel free to tell them what your opinion is of AIP. Afterall, AIP is better than a full wage, Holidays, Vacation, Sick Leave, and Shared Sacrifice....Correct?

The Company Union needs to go!
Can you show us what amfa is doing to help the membership? Last survey they took I understand it was ripped up so no one could see how bad it was!
The different survey's the TWU is conducting is giving a very surprising results. The atmosphere has changed in recent months.
Checking it Out said:
The different survey's the TWU is conducting is giving a very surprising results. The atmosphere has changed in recent months.

Until the ATD stopped posting the results of their most recent survey, the results were not at all surprising. There was a very large response from AMFA supporters and the results were not in favor of the TWU. Are you going to lie about this survey also? Why did the ATD quit posting the results until August 31, 2004?

Atmospheric change? You must be referring to Hurricane season.

Why must you always defend the TWU with statements about AMFA, can you not defend the TWU on it's own merit?
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

The TWU is strong and ALL members support their union with unyielding loyalty.

And I have swamp land in Arizona for sale if CIO is interested.
Let's have a look at one of your surveys CEO . You are a good company man Kevin but you’re a worthless union man. Being a union man takes a lot more honesty than your capable of. But they say what goes around comes around. You will get your just reward in the end liar. 371 names AA either agrees should come off the list of eligible voters or AA did not dispute with documentation. The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!
Checking it Out said:
The different survey's the TWU is conducting is giving a very surprising results. The atmosphere has changed in recent months.

Yeah, I bet it sure is surprising that the twu has failed us worse than exspected. The pilots have already recieved most of their pay cuts back. I guess we'll have to wait 5 MORE YEARS.

The atmosphere still has a "twu stench" in it, but your right kevy, that will change soon.

Punks, Drunks, cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.

Checking it Out said:
Hack and inaman you dont have a clue what your talking about!!!!

That ain't nothing, you don't even know what the word clue means in the English Language...


Pronunciation: (klOO), [key]
—n., v., clued, clu•ing.

1. anything that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem, mystery, etc.

Tell us CIO, how does one have a "clue" when talking? Er, uh typing I mean?

My preception is that the TWU is the problem and AMFA is the solution. I must have "clue".

Why is it that the TWU-ATD website is conducting a Company Poll on AIP? The only "clue" I come up with is "COMPANY UNION"! Either that or we are witnessing an unresloved mystery.

BTW, where is that report on "Shared Sacrifice" from Little Jim?
Checking it Out said:
Hack and inaman you dont have a clue what your talking about!!!!

You state that Hack and Inman don't have a clue, yet you did not deny my statement. That is because you know it to be factual. The membership is divided and there is nothing the TWU can do to correct it. It would take democracy which is a foreign concept to the TWU. Massive overhaul of their constitution and their locals by-laws. And Unionism, without concessions. You understand, a reversal of the last twenty years of TWU history.

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