Today, I lose count of how many could fall into that definition, but in the early 90's, the truly incompetent rarely survived with Baker and Crandall. Peg reported to directly to Baker at HDQ, and had a lot of face time with Crandall. They both chose to keep her around, so read into that what you want to.
Bob Baker was one of the finest men I have ever met - at AA or anywhere else. And, while many on here may hate it, I cannot express in words the respect I have for Crandall.
However, that being said, sadly, your above assertion just does not hold true. While I won't name names here, I can easily count off the top of my head at least five individuals at headquarters who were senior-level officers (VP, SVP or EVP) at AMR during the Crandall era that were beyond worthless wastes of life. They were all grossly incompetent at their jobs, broadly hated by those that worked for and with them for their complete lack of people and leadership skills, and all engaged in unethical (if not illegal) behavior while in their positions.
Sad, but true.