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Comair rehiring laid-off flight attendants, adding new ones


Nov 15, 2005
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Comair has begun rehiring flight attendants who were laid off earlier this year, even as the company and the flight attendants' union prepare to argue in federal court over the future of the existing contract.

The Erlanger-based regional airline began sending out recall notices early this month to the 106 laid-off workers. On Wednesday, company officials said the return of five 70-seat jets to Comair's fleet - along with high turnover rates - have led to more job openings.

Company spokeswoman Kate Moser said the airline also is hiring new flight attendants.

"We have had some increase in flight attendants leaving the company and expect that to continue as we continue our restructuring," Moser said. "We certainly understand that it is difficult to make these kinds of adjustments in one's personal and professional lives."

Comair is seeking $8.9 million in annual concessions from its 900-member flight attendant union and has asked the federal bankruptcy court overseeing Comair's and parent Delta Air Line's Chapter 11 restructuring to void the existing deal.

The company says the cuts are necessary to compete with other regional airlines and has gotten similar deals with its other two unions. Comair has said it lost $120 million last year, a number the flight attendants dispute.

Cinncinnati Enquirer