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CNN Sniper Video

Maybe we should show the videos of terrorists beheading people.

No we would'nt want to be insensitive to the weak knee'd, besides like ch.12 likes to say 'that would just inflame the muslims more'.

Now if you have some video of American soldiers torturing terrorist by placing panties on their heads, That would be more to the Libs liking. :lol:
I guess its only enemy propaganda if its not in a GOP campaign add, right? If its a GOP add, then by all means give Osama all the air time he needs. Add a few flag draped coffins for "effect". Cause its all ok to you GOP losers. You eat it up. Loser hippocrites.

It's people like you that make me sick. You're a yellow bellied pacifist. Move to France you pansy.
It's people like you that make me sick. You're a yellow bellied pacifist. Move to France you pansy.

Easy killer. Just b/c you don't have a legitimate retort since sentrido was right, you don't have to blow a gasket. Put that negative energy into a deceitful attack ad or something.
Easy killer. Just b/c you don't have a legitimate retort since sentrido was right, you don't have to blow a gasket. Put that negative energy into a deceitful attack ad or something.

Ah, I knew it wouldn't be long before you moved up from the bottom of the bunker and moved all the elderly, children and women out of the way so you could see if the coast was clear.
Negative and deceitful attack ad is something you liberal pukes invented to go along with scare tactics, lies and innuendo. Your just belly aching now because the other side perfected it.
Look out there 12...storm clouds are building...time to push the sick, infirmed and all those on crutches out of the way so you can hide again. We'll cover for you....just like usual.
I guess its only enemy propaganda if its not in a GOP campaign add, right? If its a GOP add, then by all means give Osama all the air time he needs. Add a few flag draped coffins for "effect". Cause its all ok to you GOP losers. You eat it up. Loser hippocrites.
Uh, don't the 'pubs realize that they lost the right to criticize people for being "terrorist propaganda tools" when W started quoting Osama bin Laden to score political points in campaign stump speeches? Cause if the
President does it, it must be good and proper, right? :lol:
The shrill hypocrisy coming from the right would be nearly unbelievable, except that they're republicans, so the gutter and other moral cesspools are their natural environment... and this from a bunch of fools who have squandered any pretensions to the moral high ground, but who still preach and preen as if they don't realize what low-brow, venal, and soon-to-be-irrelevant buffoons they have been at long last revealed to be for all to see! :down:
In case you forgot this is America and there's a little thing called freedom of speech in the Bill of Rights that allows anyone to speak their mind, including you.
So you want the demolibs to be in control?? Thats just fine but remember two things. First, don't forget when you trade one group of fools in there is another group of fools to take their place. Secondly, when you're in power remember you'll have to come up with a plan to handle the things you don't like. So far the demolibs haven't provided one answer to any problem so take this time and work on the plan. We're all waiting...
Negative and deceitful attack ad is something you liberal pukes invented to go along with scare tactics, lies and innuendo.
And here I thought it was Karl Rove. I remember Cheney pretty much saying that a vote for Kerry was a vote for another attack. Couldn't that be construed as a "scare tactic" to get people to feel "safer" with Bush?

Saddam had a hand in 9/11? Bush seemed to lead a pretty large percentage of American's to think so...until he just recently said that he didn't. He also said that he "never did say Saddam was involved in 9/11", yet to this day, a lot of Americans think he was - based on what their leader told them. And techncically Bush is right...he never came out and said it...but when you convince a lot of people without actually saying it...isn't that innuendo?

Maybe liberal pukes invented negative and deceitful attack ads, but conservative republicans have MASTERED them.
It's people like you that make me sick. You're a yellow bellied pacifist. Move to France you pansy.

You dont know me, or anything about me you stupid GOP tit sucking loser. The only difference beetween you and me as far as war is concerned is I am against stupid wars, and you and your stupid GOP buddies obviously arent. I'ts not my fault if you cant live with the guilt of supporting a stupid war.

I found this relavant to the thread in some way:
You dont know me, or anything about me you stupid GOP tit sucking loser. The only difference beetween you and me as far as war is concerned is I am against stupid wars, and you and your stupid GOP buddies obviously arent. I'ts not my fault if you cant live with the guilt of supporting a stupid war.
I found this relavant to the thread in some way:

I know you and your kind you yellow bellied, chicken sh!t panty waist. Why don't you come out and say what we all know, you're against ALL wars and ALL kinds of fighting including the kind that occurs in protecting your family. I'm sure you're the type to hide behind your wife and children when it comes to confrontation just like the rest of your compadres.
You can take your yellow bellied, chicken a$$, socialist seat in the bunker right next to Ch.12 and let the others protect your sorry a$$ while you sit here and b!tch and moan about why you haven't gotten your latest ration of government cheese. Whiny sissy boy... :down: 😛

And here I thought it was Karl Rove. I remember Cheney pretty much saying that a vote for Kerry was a vote for another attack. Couldn't that be construed as a "scare tactic" to get people to feel "safer" with Bush?

Saddam had a hand in 9/11? Bush seemed to lead a pretty large percentage of American's to think so...until he just recently said that he didn't. He also said that he "never did say Saddam was involved in 9/11", yet to this day, a lot of Americans think he was - based on what their leader told them. And techncically Bush is right...he never came out and said it...but when you convince a lot of people without actually saying it...isn't that innuendo?

Maybe liberal pukes invented negative and deceitful attack ads, but conservative republicans have MASTERED them.

Isn't that what I just said? You liberals invented the attact ads and now are whining because someone else is beating you at your own game. You opened the can of worms so now it's time to live with the consequences.
Bush never said Saddam was involved in 9/11 and you just agreed to it so why do the American people believe he did? Because your liberal buddies at the news divisions in print and television have drummed it into everyones heads. Is that Bush's fault that they don't report what REALLY was said and replace it with what they want everyone to believe? So to answer your question, YES it is innuendo but not on Bush's part. It's on your liberal buddies back.
Can you see Kerry or Gore dealing with this?? Hell, there'd be 2000 commissions still looking into the 2000 election and finding nothing.
Nice try but maybe it's time to head back to the DNC for more talking points.
I know you and your kind you yellow bellied, chicken sh!t panty waist. Why don't you come out and say what we all know, you're against ALL wars and ALL kinds of fighting including the kind that occurs in protecting your family. I'm sure you're the type to hide behind your wife and children when it comes to confrontation just like the rest of your compadres.
You can take your yellow bellied, chicken a$$, socialist seat in the bunker right next to Ch.12 and let the others protect your sorry a$$ while you sit here and b!tch and moan about why you haven't gotten your latest ration of government cheese. Whiny sissy boy... :down: 😛

Ok you angry idiot. If you had the ability to think for yourself you would realize that Iraq is not a war that is "protecting our families". WWI, WWII, Civil War, Revolution, 1812, etc...those wars were to protect our citizens. No war waged by or entered into by the US has been as misguided as Iraq. You have a little boy with a bunch of what he devastatingly thinks of as toy soldiers forcing a war where there wasn't a need for one. So while I'm unlike you and don't want to nuke the entire world (b/c I can think of a bigger picture where you are stuck in your back woods), I can say that I have supported wars and will support wars when they are to help our people. Sure we've liberated the Iraqis and that is wonderful. Except the deluge has set in there. And if we are the liberators of the world, why don't we go where we are really needed like Darfur, N. Korea, Rwanda, Iran, etc?

Quit being so angry at the world. Your type is exactly what we DO NOT need in this era of globalization where it takes intelligence to realize that we need the rest of the world in order to be successful and that alienating and isolating ourselves is the most unwise thing we can do.

Yeah...I support war. No...I don't support this one. Humans were given the gift of logical thought (meaning you can choose and you it's not an all or nothing. You don't have to support ALL wars and you don't have to be against ALL wars. Either of these extremes is ignorant).
The Civil War was a war to protect our citizens? We fought each other you fool.
What a moron. No one is talking about nuking the entire world. That's you and your liberal mindset taking over again. You paint this big rosy picture of the world and sit around the campfire singing peace songs while your enemy moves into position to slit your throats. Then you get mad and whine about the rest of us that don't want to participate in your little love fest (because we're busy out there fighting the enemy from taking up position to slit your throats) If you don't think the insurgency wants to bring that type of war here you're crazier than I think you are and believe me I don't think that's even possible. (You are pretty looney)
I'm not angry at the world. I'm angry at the yellow bellied, panty waist demolibs that think all we need to do is have a dialogue with these idiots thinking that will make it all better. The only dialogue they understand is the kind where a projectile snuffs out their life so as far as I'm concerned that's the only dialogue I"m willing to have with them.
Peace out!!
The Civil War was a war to protect our citizens? We fought each other you fool.
What a moron. No one is talking about nuking the entire world. That's you and your liberal mindset taking over again. You paint this big rosy picture of the world and sit around the campfire singing peace songs while your enemy moves into position to slit your throats. Then you get mad and whine about the rest of us that don't want to participate in your little love fest (because we're busy out there fighting the enemy from taking up position to slit your throats) If you don't think the insurgency wants to bring that type of war here you're crazier than I think you are and believe me I don't think that's even possible. (You are pretty looney)
I'm not angry at the world. I'm angry at the yellow bellied, panty waist demolibs that think all we need to do is have a dialogue with these idiots thinking that will make it all better. The only dialogue they understand is the kind where a projectile snuffs out their life so as far as I'm concerned that's the only dialogue I"m willing to have with them.
Peace out!!

Our Civil War was to protect against "insurgents" from the Confederacy. If you don't think that a chunk of the country splintering off and threatening the safety of the remaining citizens is a threat, you are out of your mind.

Nobody said anything about a campfire and singing...that's your ignorance coming out. Get rid of your stupid stereotypes b/c we both know that they aren't true. What we "crazy" dems have stated is that entrenching ourselves in a region after an invasion that was baseless and now causing a near civil war is not going to win favor from anyone. Should we or can we have a dialogue with the insurgents? No. Is it remedying the issue by ignoring the rest of the world and continuing to stir up more insurgancies? Hell no. The Vietnamese have not attacked us since the Vietnam war so the Henny Pennies that say that we will be nuked to smithereens if we even create a scale-down plan are ridiculous. What we need to do is work with the rest of the world (no...not the UN...but other gov'ts) and work together on Iraq and fixing the problem that WE created. Of course...our gov't would have to stop being so arrogant and actually admit that our generals are right and we really did make a mistake and we are doing nothing to correct it.

Stereotype away but you know nothing and your ignorance shines through when you make idiotic statements like that. And what's really scary is that you cannot think yourself out of the back woods long enough to see the global picture.
Our Civil War was to protect against "insurgents" from the Confederacy. If you don't think that a chunk of the country splintering off and threatening the safety of the remaining citizens is a threat, you are out of your mind.

Nobody said anything about a campfire and singing...that's your ignorance coming out. Get rid of your stupid stereotypes b/c we both know that they aren't true. What we "crazy" dems have stated is that entrenching ourselves in a region after an invasion that was baseless and now causing a near civil war is not going to win favor from anyone. Should we or can we have a dialogue with the insurgents? No. Is it remedying the issue by ignoring the rest of the world and continuing to stir up more insurgancies? Hell no. The Vietnamese have not attacked us since the Vietnam war so the Henny Pennies that say that we will be nuked to smithereens if we even create a scale-down plan are ridiculous. What we need to do is work with the rest of the world (no...not the UN...but other gov'ts) and work together on Iraq and fixing the problem that WE created. Of course...our gov't would have to stop being so arrogant and actually admit that our generals are right and we really did make a mistake and we are doing nothing to correct it.

Stereotype away but you know nothing and your ignorance shines through when you make idiotic statements like that. And what's really scary is that you cannot think yourself out of the back woods long enough to see the global picture.

None of you crazy demolibs have said anything like that and you know it. Besides, if you did who would believe you? Your past actions speak volumes about your future leadership qualities.
When you look at history, it seems that war is the result of failure. Failure to act, failure to anticipate, failure to negotiate, failure to plan…. Etc. From your posts you seem to enjoy war, you seem to relish the fact that the US is showing it’s muscle.

When I look at Iraq, or most conflicts for that matter, I see a failure of our leaders and those in the rest of the world to work together and look at the future rather than the here and now.

When I look are Iraq and any other war for that matter, I see countless tens of thousands of dead and injured soldiers who did not need to be injured or killed. I see tens of thousands of civilians who lost their lives, livelihoods, and possessions because their leaders failed them.

Iraq did not need to happen. 9/11 did not need to happen. The anger against america seems to be recent event of the last 30 years or so. Had we not supported a prick of a Shaw to rule over Iran, had we not supported OBL because he was the enemy of our enemy (and then abandoned him after we were done using him), had we not eviscerated Germany after WWII, had we not listened to the Likes of Nixon and Kissenger about the peril of Viet Nam. Had we just opened our eyes and treated people with respect and not tried to impose our will on those who do not share our beliefs, perhaps, just maybe this would have been a nicer world to live in.

Wars are never successful. They are merely the end result of failed leadership. Yes, we won some of the wars in question but at what cost. I believe that most if not all of the conflicts could have been resolved though other means. Unfortunately, there are to many people in power who are to eager to pull the trigger. Their egos will not allow them to seek another solution. They will not sacrifice a little to save a lot. They will stay the course (Cuba for example) because that’s how it has been done and to do other wise would jeopardize their future in power.

Yes, I HATE ALL WAR!!! War is a horrible event and should be avoided at all cost. The cost of war is far more expensive than the cost of peace. Should the need arise, I will do what is needed to protect my family but I do not go looking for trouble. I do not go around picking a fight. My ego does not prevent me from saying I am wrong (whether I am or not) to avoid a conflict. Someone can call my mother a b%^ch, my sister a whore and me a yellow bellied what ever. Knock your self out. They are words. I could not care less. If that makes them feel better great for them. If by me agreeing with them it avoids a physical altercation, I’ll agree with them. There is very little anyone can say or do that would warrant risk of life and limb.
I know you and your kind you yellow bellied, chicken sh!t panty waist. Why don't you come out and say what we all know, you're against ALL wars and ALL kinds of fighting including the kind that occurs in protecting your family. I'm sure you're the type to hide behind your wife and children when it comes to confrontation just like the rest of your compadres.
You can take your yellow bellied, chicken a$$, socialist seat in the bunker right next to Ch.12 and let the others protect your sorry a$$ while you sit here and b!tch and moan about why you haven't gotten your latest ration of government cheese. Whiny sissy boy... :down: 😛

You're so GOP, you can't even represent the opinions of the people you debate honestly.

You're pathetic loser hissy fit looks a lot like the latest GOP adds, guess you got nothing left either.