Pibull, U are AWESUM!!! Why arent U the MEC Prez.??? We need someone with guts,smarts and wisdom to know what is right.. BTW< Right On about the Dems..any Union member who votes REPUBLICAN should have their head examined.... Peace and thanks, as always, for fighting for what is right!!!PITbull said:46 Driver,
We all have the ability to move around in industries and companies..its called the "corporate ladder". The pilots are unique, in that their pay compensation level is dratically reduced by hoping around from airline to airline. But, not necessarily the other groups. Customer service, is customer service in any industry.
I don't know if you have been reading these posts or just gandering, but the main point here, the sure "absolute" is that the American workers are extremely educated and skilled. These are the very folks that can't find jobs. I don't quite know what you mean when you say "you get, what you pay for". That thought goes without saying "across the board", my friend.
There are many many people out there with degrees at the same schools as most of our esteemed mangement, that can't land jobs. But, I bet if you offer them half of what you offer some of OUR senior execs, you would get just as much IF NOT MORE TALENT. And i would wager too, with some people skills.
To imply that the American workers are not as efficent or not as dedicated to their jobs is a slap to America.
You need to get out more often. Been drinking too much kool-aide. Try some "whisky" and clean out your system.