This company is UAL’s little brother and in fact wanted to become part of UAL.
UAL as we all know is experiencing the painful clause for all the world to see, part of the painful clause as was just announced in the media is doing away with the employees pensions as allowed by some corporate judge with zero ethics, a corporate smack.
You need customer satisfaction be successful and to have this you need happy employees, not disgruntled ones, to deal with the public. Being little UAL's brother, U will soon follow suit and dump the U pension funds with the blessing of some corporate judge in the name of saving this sick turd of an airline, this will happen. After this happens the employees of course will still be expected to bring in business with a happy face on, and of course unless one is on drugs this will not be possible given how badly they have and are being abused by a so called management team who has shown the world that don't deserve to run a kiddy zoo let alone a major airline.
Like it has been said on here and how some fiery relationships end in rage, the only way this thing called an airline can or will generate revenue again is to just shut down and start all over with new everything because it has gone too far, critical mass has been reached, it has been blown to pieces and little humpty dummy will never be put back together again, nor should it.
Letting a corporation go on dragging everything along with it when it should simply end is insanity and I believe congress should be called upon to make corporations Cease and Desist using what they call, A TOOL: A TOOL! Yes a tool to legally be able to screw anyone associated with a diseased company without worry about facing charges of pillage and rape.
This is why I have said before this company should simply go away and make room for healthier airlines, giving them room to grow and prosper. All employee groups are beyond unhappy, many employees are dealing with this quagmire with the help of drugs to keep them thinking straight.
To let this go on with what we have, an obviously very incompetent management team, employees who are all disgruntled and very distressed, creditors watching every breath for signs of the death wheeze, is cruel and unusual punishment for the ones remaining who must endure it.
There, I said it, end of my rant. I am so damn glad that people like Hawk, CCY, Do-It-For-Dave and all other company sharks have zero influence on me personally, because those kind of people are like a cancer which only spreads and kills and should be eradicated from the business world before it kills all working men and women.
To let what’s happening to U and UAL with the blessing of corporate judges will put the working men and women back 75 years, and it’s doing just that. Bush says jobs are to be had, he didn’t say one needs to work at least two of those jobs to make ends meet, but it’s fact.
Downsizing the working man’s wage, hence standard of living, is what bankruptcies accomplish along with making very incompetent men very wealthy. It’s a slanted twisted world we live in, and that is where I do agree with Piney Bob, if you don’t look out for yourself and simply go with the tides of this corporate storm, you will find yourself washed into a sewage system where indentured servants are the rule.
UAL as we all know is experiencing the painful clause for all the world to see, part of the painful clause as was just announced in the media is doing away with the employees pensions as allowed by some corporate judge with zero ethics, a corporate smack.
You need customer satisfaction be successful and to have this you need happy employees, not disgruntled ones, to deal with the public. Being little UAL's brother, U will soon follow suit and dump the U pension funds with the blessing of some corporate judge in the name of saving this sick turd of an airline, this will happen. After this happens the employees of course will still be expected to bring in business with a happy face on, and of course unless one is on drugs this will not be possible given how badly they have and are being abused by a so called management team who has shown the world that don't deserve to run a kiddy zoo let alone a major airline.
Like it has been said on here and how some fiery relationships end in rage, the only way this thing called an airline can or will generate revenue again is to just shut down and start all over with new everything because it has gone too far, critical mass has been reached, it has been blown to pieces and little humpty dummy will never be put back together again, nor should it.
Letting a corporation go on dragging everything along with it when it should simply end is insanity and I believe congress should be called upon to make corporations Cease and Desist using what they call, A TOOL: A TOOL! Yes a tool to legally be able to screw anyone associated with a diseased company without worry about facing charges of pillage and rape.
This is why I have said before this company should simply go away and make room for healthier airlines, giving them room to grow and prosper. All employee groups are beyond unhappy, many employees are dealing with this quagmire with the help of drugs to keep them thinking straight.
To let this go on with what we have, an obviously very incompetent management team, employees who are all disgruntled and very distressed, creditors watching every breath for signs of the death wheeze, is cruel and unusual punishment for the ones remaining who must endure it.
There, I said it, end of my rant. I am so damn glad that people like Hawk, CCY, Do-It-For-Dave and all other company sharks have zero influence on me personally, because those kind of people are like a cancer which only spreads and kills and should be eradicated from the business world before it kills all working men and women.
To let what’s happening to U and UAL with the blessing of corporate judges will put the working men and women back 75 years, and it’s doing just that. Bush says jobs are to be had, he didn’t say one needs to work at least two of those jobs to make ends meet, but it’s fact.
Downsizing the working man’s wage, hence standard of living, is what bankruptcies accomplish along with making very incompetent men very wealthy. It’s a slanted twisted world we live in, and that is where I do agree with Piney Bob, if you don’t look out for yourself and simply go with the tides of this corporate storm, you will find yourself washed into a sewage system where indentured servants are the rule.