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CBS to devote entire morining show to hero pilot

The only criticism I might have regarding everything that has happened from takeoff thru the media hoopla is the cancellation of the interview with the Today Show and then not booking them first once it was deemed appropriate to talk. I'm not criticizing the cancellation on the possible grounds of the involved party thing, but to not offer them a make-up first interview struck me as wrong.

However on the overall scale of things that isn't a major thing considering 155 people are all alive because of Sully, his FO and the cabin crew of Flight 1549.

Remember when everybody was saying the Cactus callsign would never be heard by the public?

That statement was made by a few folks, yes. And now has been proven to be wrong.

But based upon the callsign's 23+ year history of success in the mortality department, me thinks there could very well be some good karma, good fortune, and just plain good luck attached to its use.

Long live the mighty CACTUS ! ! ! :up:
I must say I'm a weeeee bit envious of the crew. Hummmm...Got to go to the inauguration, met President Obama, went to the Super Bowl and was applauded by millions around the world, 60 Minutes, Early Show, GMA, Larry King. Wow!! And the same $5000 as the passengers. (on the record, I would had really made out with the scarce items I pack). LOL!!

Yup, they are heroes and deserve all the attention they get. They have all five been very humble, classy, and have represented US Airways well. What the dumbasses in Tempe haven't been able to do in three years, this crew did in one day!!
Personally, I wouldn't WANT that level of fame.

Would make coming back to our current work environment VERY hard to do.

Kudos to them without doubt and may they ride the fame for as long as they can stand it!

And can we SERIOUSLY get over this incredibly childish 7-year olds fighting in the sandbox East/West thing already?

It's no longer a matter of honor... it's a badge of idiocy. Less fighting.... more fixing.
I imagine retirement is the next step for most of this crew. It will be hard to come back and work and this is a one-time chance to go put on top like right after winning the Super Bowl. For me my initial thought would be to get right back to work as soon as possible but since that didn’t/couldn’t happen then I think all kind of thoughts about not flying and the valid reasons to retire would win out.
Yup, they are heroes and deserve all the attention they get. They have all five been very humble, classy, and have represented US Airways well. What the dumbasses in Tempe haven't been able to do in three years, this crew did in one day!!

You would think the college fratboy "interns" in the sandbox would get it but they don't. This was a senior crew with lots of experience and used their experience and knowledge to save many, many lives. Even so, I still don't think mgmt makes the connection. They will still continue to pay us poverty wages because they don't see the value of having professional, experienced employees. They would rather have young 20 year olds so they can get away with paying them and treating them like fast food workers. We were lucky they had such a great crew. Imagine how much trouble the airline would be in had there been a tragic ending.
You would think the college fratboy "interns" in the sandbox would get it but they don't. This was a senior crew with lots of experience and used their experience and knowledge to save many, many lives. Even so, I still don't think mgmt makes the connection. They will still continue to pay us poverty wages because they don't see the value of having professional, experienced employees. They would rather have young 20 year olds so they can get away with paying them and treating them like fast food workers. We were lucky they had such a great crew. Imagine how much trouble the airline would be in had there been a tragic ending.

I had the not so happy experience of having an awa gate agent in RDU tell me that Sully shut down the wrong engine. Since she was talking out of her hinny, I asked her who would say such a stupid, lame ### thing, mean sprited thing since we all know that BOTH engines quit.
Well golllyeeee, it was one of awa's finest pilots.

What do you know, someone who has to disparage a hero to make himself important and it was not an intern but another pilot. Shameful
I had the not so happy experience of having an awa gate agent in RDU tell me that Sully shut down the wrong engine. Since she was talking out of her hinny, I asked her who would say such a stupid, lame ### thing, mean sprited thing since we all know that BOTH engines quit.
Well golllyeeee, it was one of awa's finest pilots.

What do you know, someone who has to disparage a hero to make himself important and it was not an intern but another pilot. Shameful

How long have you been here? Do you really believe a gate agent? And you're (insert adjective here) enough to post "what you heard" in a public venue?

?????????? O Key Doe Key Alligator ! ! !
I imagine retirement is the next step for most of this crew. It will be hard to come back and work and this is a one-time chance to go put on top like right after winning the Super Bowl. For me my initial thought would be to get right back to work as soon as possible but since that didn’t/couldn’t happen then I think all kind of thoughts about not flying and the valid reasons to retire would win out.

Maybe the Captain can afford to retire--he has had a full career at this low life company--but the F/O has to keep on working, remember there is no retirement plan, the company cried to a sympathetic bankruptcy judge and had that taken away, even though it was 98.6% funded; the F/O's story: http://www.thestreet.com/_aol/story/104626...amp;cm_ite=Feed
Maybe the Captain can afford to retire--he has had a full career at this low life company--but the F/O has to keep on working, remember there is no retirement plan, the company cried to a sympathetic bankruptcy judge and had that taken away, even though it was 98.6% funded; the F/O's story: http://www.thestreet.com/_aol/story/104626...amp;cm_ite=Feed
They should all be able to retire at full pay for the rest of there time remaining,
after having a near death experience like that that. Seems like 5000 bucks just isn't enough.

$5000 may not be enough but I believe that that is a great start and I think its also a good publicity thing. Never heard CO giving that amount when they had that aborted take off crash in DEN in Dec
This thread is going the wrong way & you all know what I'm speaking of.

Back on topic(with out remarks) or we will close the thread.
Maybe the Captain can afford to retire--he has had a full career at this low life company--but the F/O has to keep on working, remember there is no retirement plan, the company cried to a sympathetic bankruptcy judge and had that taken away, even though it was 98.6% funded;

Just in the interests of truth and combatting historical revisionism at every turn.

The bankruptcy judge said he could not take the retirement away. He was quite explicit about it.

It was ALPA that gave it away. The damn pilot's union gave it away, even though it was well funded. The company "demand" for the pilot's retirement has been "on the table" at every "negotiation opportunity" that I have been a party to, leading me to believe that a crisis point was reached when ALPA had a "deal" with the company. There is no rational nor practical reason, otherwise.

The former Retirement Comm. Chairperson, to this day, still lies about the entire process, asserting ALPA had their own, independent actuaries per ALPA Constitution, yet witnesses assert otherwise, stating that only actuaries from the company were used.

Also, the $5,000 to the passengers and crew of 1549 is considered among many to be what is known in executive circles as "hush money", nothing more, nothing less. It was a good move on the sandbox, but let us not characterize this as "generosity", please.
it was good. the crew calmly described what it was like from the moment they lost thrust in both engines to the impact with the water. The Australian singer even sang a song for the crew and passengers. Later on they received the keys to the City of NY