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CBS to devote entire morining show to hero pilot

I always had a feeling HQ was snickering about the Bend Over command.
Just me I guess. 🙄

Anyway, the latest E-Line just came out and it has a bunch of web and video links for the different interviews. :up:
"Experience" or what it added is impossible to quantify (Except maybe for Sully and a sailplane logbook--which is not unique to an "experienced" pilot).

Not at all. It's really a very simple computation for most any thinking person, or even just carbon-based life form to make = 155 all alive. What was accomplished by the crew that day was truly magnificent and should be applauded by all. It's a tribute to professional flight crews everywhere and should be embraced as such. Any attempts to detract or diminish say far more about the person(s) doing so than they do of the crew or actions involved. Let those five enjoy the fruits of what they accomplished that day. Whatever misplaced envy for all the media hoopla/etc that may be around; what faced the crew that day's hardly any "inflight entertainment" I ever want to personally see with all those lives at stake......(and BTW "Clue"; that's not made much better to imagine by having flown gliders, off and on, for over forty years now,)

To the crew..not that you need my 2 cents worth of additional accolades..but "Well Done!!!!!"