CBS to devote entire morining show to hero pilot

Jan 23, 2006
NEW YORK (AP) - Sensing a rare opportunity to get noticed, CBS is setting aside its entire morning show Monday to the story of U.S. Airways pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and the crew that helped land a disabled jet in the Hudson River with no fatalities.

Besides the crew members, "The Early Show" will talk to rescuers and survivors, and hear a performance from Australian singer Emma Sophina, a passenger who was moved to write about the experience. It will be the song's public debut.

"The Early Show" is perpetually third in the morning ratings. But it has a chance to reach new viewers with the show, which can be heavily promoted alongside Katie Couric's "60 Minutes" interview with the crew and during the Grammy Awards. Both shows are being aired the night before.

CBS doesn't have a morning exclusive with Sullenberger. The pilot also will appear live on ABC's "Good Morning America" Monday before his visit to "The Early Show."

U.S. Airways Flight 1549 landed in the frigid Hudson River on Jan. 15 after geese flew into its engines and disabled them.

"It's a chance for America to celebrate these heroes," said Zev Shalev, executive producer of "The Early Show.

The morning ratings leader, NBC's "Today" show, thought it had a commitment for the first Sullenberger interview until the crew decided to speak with Couric on "60 Minutes.""Today" said it had no plans to interview Sullenberger.
He only landed on the water, he didn't walk on it!

I can only say...if you know this ' luvn373s' person, let him know how pathertic that comment is. I'm sure there are a few who know him personnally.
Poor taste........
I don't care if I end up in the cornfield you arrogant turd.

If that was an attempt at humor I missed it.

Let the man have his well deserved moment in the sun. The good Captain has painted US Airways in the most positive light it's been painted in my recent memory.

I we were in a bar I bust the bar stool right over your ignorant head for the above comment. Good Lord if you're an example of what passes for a professional pilot from the former America West then I now know why there is a USAPA.

I have read and made some totally dumb azzed comments but this one wins the blue ribbon.

Piney, I thought there was no more cornfield. Am I wrong? Actually if there was no cornfield, I might have written what you did above. You can see that I took the chicken way out but my sentiments are the same as yours are. :shock:

What is it about all that sand out west? Is that what does it to some people?? Makes them all mean and stuff? :eek:
I don't care if I end up in the cornfield you arrogant turd.

If that was an attempt at humor I missed it.

Let the man have his well deserved moment in the sun. The good Captain has painted US Airways in the most positive light it's been painted in my recent memory.

I we were in a bar I bust the bar stool right over your ignorant head for the above comment. Good Lord if you're an example of what passes for a professional pilot from the former America West then I now know why there is a USAPA.

I have read and made some totally dumb azzed comments but this one wins the blue ribbon.

You are not going to the cornfield for saying, nicely in this case, the outrage we all feel on that one. Got your back Bob.

Scary little teenager isn't he?
I don't care if I end up in the cornfield you arrogant turd.

If that was an attempt at humor I missed it.

Let the man have his well deserved moment in the sun. The good Captain has painted US Airways in the most positive light it's been painted in my recent memory.

I we were in a bar I bust the bar stool right over your ignorant head for the above comment. Good Lord if you're an example of what passes for a professional pilot from the former America West then I now know why there is a USAPA.

I have read and made some totally dumb azzed comments but this one wins the blue ribbon.

I was with you until you picked up the bar stool.
No apologies.

The point you missed is "perspective". It is certainly proper to acknowledge his skill and performance, but not to deify the man over it. I think he is being used by the media to boost ratings as they re-hash the feel-good story of the year.

If an errant gust of wind had caused a wing to dig in the water and the aircraft to disintegrate on impact, he would still be a hero for all the lives he saved on the ground by not trying to deadstick it back into LGA.

There are many pilots who were handed an unflyable airplane and the ending was not as happy, but they are heroes for all that was learned as a result of what they went through and the procedures that changed for the better. No doubt "Sully" takes his hat off to those who didn't get to do a media tour.

Perspective folks.
None of this makes any difference. The real question is whether Martha Stewart will invite him on her show.

Then, AND ONLY THEN, Sully will have made the "Big Time!"

:shock: :up: :lol:

(Or is it Oprah's show? I can never remember these things.)
I'm 54 and a has been in every aspect of bar room brawling. FOR YOU I'd make the exception at my own peril. Thanks for showing us exactly who you are. Folks when people show the type of person they are BELIEVE THEM.

Facts is Facts, 155 on, 155 off, alive and safe.

If, woulda, coulda, shoulda means little. He succeeded and you must realize that you don't make a pimple on a REAL pilots arse. So take your perspective and have a lovely low paid US Airways day

I thought you were a pretty together guy Piney, until now.

I too think the media circus is becoming embarrassing. That your dander is up to the point that you are looking for a bar brawl highlights an immature attitude that I thought was beneath you.
You can defend your colleague all you like as that is your right.

The media circus is what it is and one of the things that it is is a fact of life.

Alot of what I perceive is US west jealousy that it wasn't one of yours who made the successful water landing. Captain Sullenberger was a part of an effort that resulted in 155 on in LGA and 155 off in the Hudson alive, well and grateful.

I'm frankly very tired of commentary as I;m jaded and cynical

I'm done

I am irritated with the media's hyperbole.

The media has only two switch positions when it comes to reporting on airline pilots; either an error prone loser or God, and at least some of the time they get it backwards.

I don't think that the performance exhibited by the crew of 1549 was atypical. I think most of the east pilots, the west pilots, the pilots at AMR, UAL, etc. would have done as well.

I can say this with a fair degree of certainty because in fact they do. Very bad things happen to airliners every month or so. Most of the time the only people who know about it are two pilots and a couple of controllers. Sometimes the information is disseminated to the rest of the professional pilots but it hardly ever spills out into the media.
He only landed on the water, he didn't walk on it!
WOW..........where do I start. I can only hope your intent was not the same as the way most will think when they first read it. Sometimes we all say things we wish we hadn't, and I hope this is the case with you. Your second mistake was not admitting a poor choice of words with an apology. Your rebuttle started off with no apologies, which will just solidify peoples first impression. When I first read it, I knew you didn't mean it that way. Your comment also will unfairly cast a poor light on the west group in the minds of some. I will apologize for you, and ask everyone else to take it for what it was........a stupid comment, mistake, and not a picture of the west group as a whole. You need to apologize to them first.
You can defend your colleague all you like as that is your right.

The media circus is what it is and one of the things that it is is a fact of life.

Alot of what I perceive is US west jealousy that it wasn't one of yours who made the successful water landing. Captain Sullenberger was a part of an effort that resulted in 155 on in LGA and 155 off in the Hudson alive, well and grateful.

I'm frankly very tired of commentary as I;m jaded and cynical

I'm done
America West Airlines pilots have made plenty of Miraculous takeoffs and landings. Prevented serious harm to pax and crew many of times throughout the years!!!! HP was one of the safest Airlines to fly with NO CRASHES ON RECORD!!! I am sorry Piney, I know you are defending your opinion but in no way is this jealousy on luv's part.
No one wishes bad or harm upon any pilot and crew, West or East of this magnitude!!! :down: