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Calling Southwest Maintenance


Aug 21, 2002
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By God Indiana
Mechanics and Maintence related: Read the article below, with contracts up in '08, What's in our future?

A federal judge ruled Tuesday in Chicago that United Airlines (UAL) may temporarily postpone safety inspections on any plane that carries more than 83 passengers. Industry analysts say the move will help the company in its ongoing contract negotiations with the mechanics' and machinists' union.
The two sides resumed talks on Tuesday and are trying to strike a deal before an interim contract expires on May 31. If the sides do not reach a deal, a bankruptcy judge will decide whether or not to unilaterally break the contract and create new terms.

UAL argued in court that safety inspections were unnecessary and used as evidence vast amounts of data showing that airplanes rarely need to be repaired on the tarmac between filghts. The court agreed, ruling that inspections only needed to be completed once per week for all large aircraft.

"Planes of this size are very reliable," said UAL legal spokesman Kenneth Blonski. "If a plane makes it from say, Chicago to Orlando then you know the plane is in good shape. It certainly should be able to turn around make the return trip. The last trip proved it. There really is no reason to spend thousands of dollars inspecting it just to send it on a trip that it just proved that it can make."

The new ruling will put a lot of pressure on the union of what are now essentially unneeded mechanics.

Many are calling the company's decision to ask for the safety reprieve as unconscionable and unethical as its decision to shirk workers' pensions earlier in the month. Others are starting to notice that the federal government allows serial bankruptists to increasingly shed their responsibility to workers, consumers and the public at large.

"I don't know what's worse," says frequent United flyer Lynn Ascot, "the breaking of promises to the people whose blood and sweat built the company or the breaking of the promise to consumers to empty the toilets and eye up the gimbal nut assembly more than once a week. I suppose I need to switch airlines to show my disgust with the company's decisions. On the other hand, I guess it's not fair of me to expect safety inspections if I want to travel to Witchita for $39 each way."
Slowly snipping away at the safety net...

Who cares, Right ? The fares are cheap....

I got to wonder why the Judge gave only temporary relief to these inspections,

If they are not needed, Why not give the company the right to do away with these inspections forever...
It is amazing that a "Judge" feels that he can supercede the FARs. Just keep in mind that the Feds will come calling...

They always do. I would not be suprised if the Feds start logging the legs and fining or worse pull their certificate.

Keep in mind that each airline must get DOT or FAA approval on all maintenance changes and I really don't see the FAA giving this kind of lead way.
>>>"Planes of this size are very reliable," said UAL legal spokesman Kenneth Blonski. "If a plane makes it from say, Chicago to Orlando then you know the plane is in good shape. It certainly should be able to turn around make the return trip. The last trip proved it. There really is no reason to spend thousands of dollars inspecting it just to send it on a trip that it just proved that it can make."

Such stupidity, as evidenced by similar comments after NASA's Challenger disaster in 1986.
FWAAA said:
😀 😀

Y'all do realize that this story is satire, right? You've all been punk'd.

The story comes from this Onion-like humor site:



It would seem as if Bubbleboy didn't look at the other items on the site....too funny.

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Judge Rules United Airlines May Relax Safety Inspections

A federal judge ruled Tuesday in Chicago that United Airlines (UAL) may temporarily postpone safety inspections on any plane that carries more than 83 passengers. Industry analysts say the move will help the company in its ongoing contract negotiations with the mechanics' and machinists' union.
The two sides resumed talks on Tuesday and are trying to strike a deal before an interim contract expires on May 31. If the sides do not reach a deal, a bankruptcy judge will decide whether or not to unilaterally break the contract and create new terms.

UAL argued in court that safety inspections were unnecessary and used as evidence vast amounts of data showing that airplanes rarely need to be repaired on the tarmac between filghts. The court agreed, ruling that inspections only needed to be completed once per week for all large aircraft.

Full Story >>


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Not to mention the disclaimer they have on their site....way to go Bubbleboy, LOL.

US Press News Disclaimer
Professional Driver. Closed course. Do not attempt.
That is to say: This is a satirical news website. Precious little of the information appearing on this site holds any truth whatsoever. Most (if not all) of the interviews portrayed on this website never occurred because either the people interviewed don't exist or they are public figures who would never speak to a small time humor website that would probably just make fun of them anway. In the unlikely event that the fictional news on this website intersects with reality it can be assumed that said intersection is complete coincidence.

I can't tell you how much it pains me to have to put a disclaimer on this ridiculous website. Knowing that there are people out there whose reading comprehension is so low that they need to e-mail us threatening a lawsuit over the use of their town name in a fictitious humor story keeps me awake at night. Not from concern over any future legal issues but because these humorless fucks probably procreate like rabbits and then sit Lord and Master over some poor, terrified family the members of which will never be allowed a free thought much less an unfettered spoken word. Late at night, these thoughts unsettle my soul in such a way that can only be soothed by the calming effects of Jack Daniels®. As I drift off into a drunken slumber I dream of the day when those kids are reluctantly allowed to leave home for college where they will suddenly become free to look for the feeling that laughter brings. Unfortunately, they'll be so oblivious to what that feels like that they will, in lieu of laughter, become addicted to drugs and anonymous sex only to flunk out and end up back in the house of the man who started all of this in the first place. Good luck children, good luck.
WNjetdoc said:
Not to mention the disclaimer they have on their site....way to go Bubbleboy, LOL.

US Press News Disclaimer
Professional Driver. Closed course. Do not attempt.
That is to say: This is a satirical news website. Precious little of the information appearing on this site holds any truth whatsoever. Most (if not all) of the interviews portrayed on this website never occurred because either the people interviewed don't exist or they are public figures who would never speak to a small time humor website that would probably just make fun of them anway. In the unlikely event that the fictional news on this website intersects with reality it can be assumed that said intersection is complete coincidence.

I can't tell you how much it pains me to have to put a disclaimer on this ridiculous website. Knowing that there are people out there whose reading comprehension is so low that they need to e-mail us threatening a lawsuit over the use of their town name in a fictitious humor story keeps me awake at night. Not from concern over any future legal issues but because these humorless fucks probably procreate like rabbits and then sit Lord and Master over some poor, terrified family the members of which will never be allowed a free thought much less an unfettered spoken word. Late at night, these thoughts unsettle my soul in such a way that can only be soothed by the calming effects of Jack Daniels®. As I drift off into a drunken slumber I dream of the day when those kids are reluctantly allowed to leave home for college where they will suddenly become free to look for the feeling that laughter brings. Unfortunately, they'll be so oblivious to what that feels like that they will, in lieu of laughter, become addicted to drugs and anonymous sex only to flunk out and end up back in the house of the man who started all of this in the first place. Good luck children, good luck.

Throw me under the bus Jetdoc. It was you that pointed out the ariticle. It was our conversation about this article that lead me to post it here for disscussion. You SOB you got me. :up:
wnbubbleboy said:
Throw me under the bus Jetdoc. It was you that pointed out the ariticle. It was our conversation about this article that lead me to post it here for disscussion. You SOB you got me.  :up:

Bubbleboy, your attack on me is preposterous. I also find it egregious, litigious and inconsequential.

I am equally wondering who told you to put the balm on? Did I tell you to put the balm on? Do you know what a balm does?

Seriously, that article was put up on AMFA11's website and it was not checked by them, or myself...or you, he,he,he. They were ready to riot at work, everyone started to throw chairs in a pile and getting ready for a fire!!

Now get back to work or I'll tell your boss, and we all know who SHE is, 😛 . I must go and paint....fun, fun, fun.
It is an extremely well-written piece. "Planes of this size are very reliable," had me rolling on the floor when I read it. 🙂
FWAAA said:
It is an extremely well-written piece. "Planes of this size are very reliable," had me rolling on the floor when I read it. 🙂
Thank you, for letting us in on the gag. I took it hook, line, and sinker.

No thanks to Jetdoc. 😉
wnbubbleboy said:
Thank you, for letting us in on the gag. I took it hook, line, and sinker.

No thanks to Jetdoc. 😉

Come on we all knew it was a joke when it was posted, didn't you? What, do you live in a bubble.....boy!!
WNjetdoc said:
Come on we all knew it was a joke when it was posted, didn't you? What, do you live in a bubble.....boy!!

What kind of person would pick on a bubbleboy!?

wnbubbleboy said:
What kind of person would pick on a bubbleboy!?

View attachment 2989

A very mean person, thats who.

Hey you are actually behind a plastic sheet like what they use at the dry cleaners.....that explains the brain damage you suffer from my friend, 😉 , j/k, you are a brilliant man, simply brilliant and I do mean simply.