California Madness!

You can only read what the “New Media” algorithms decide you should read?
That’s how slow, uneducated and moldy you are.

There are no “algorithms” to “new media”. Its a medium delivery service, not a complex math problem.

So in the time you take your old and busted self to a “newspaper” stand, everyone else in the world is up to date on current events. Meanwhile you’re scanning the newspaper with a magnifying glass trying to spell.
Please give the real world a chance. Your fantasy world is falling apart. It will only get worse if you don’t learn how to make choices.
Please give the real world a chance. Your fantasy world is falling apart. It will only get worse if you don’t learn how to make choices.

Apparently the real world passed you by sometime in the 70’s. That world doesn’t exist anymore, and your advanced age and mental deterioration has prevented you from noticing.
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Mabr there is hope yet! Look what I came across!
Remember this come election day!

YOU, my dimwitted friend, are NOT going to want to REMEMBER ANYTHING, after 12 noon, on 1/20/21 !!!!!!

245 days to go, until a vaccine is effective against this Human Plague That we're INFECTED with Now.

And I'm NOT referring to Covid19 !!!

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