Bye Bye East Coast, hello PHX


Jun 18, 2005
No longer a counter dragon :-D
Just looking for recommendations of hangsouts/shops/neat things to do around Phoenix to keep me busy :) I leave Key West on Monday morning and say hello to Phoenix monday afternoon & I can't wait!

I know there are a lot of HP'ers here, so looking for any recommendations, as well as permanent living solutions (I just signed on with a 6 month lease.. i'll be ready to buy a home in the fall, or I hope to be!). Will be working at an office near the airport, and even though I'm originally from Chicago, i *hate* traffic... so Apache Junction is definitely out of the question!
Hmmm...Key West. Don't get me wrong but I'd give my left one to be stationed in Key West. Fishin' Heaven in more ways than women...I mean one! B)

Seriously though...renting right now may be a good thing. Housing market has to cool down and we maybe in the midst of the cool down starting. Plus it gives you time to scout the valley out and see where you want to live. As far as fun things...well...I'm probably not a good person to ask unless you like Bass fishin'. The lakes out here are beautiful with mountain back drops, saguro cactus and clear water. Welcome to Phoenix!
Seriously though...renting right now may be a good thing. Housing market has to cool down and we maybe in the midst of the cool down starting. Plus it gives you time to scout the valley out and see where you want to live.

I agree...housing here has gotten out of HAND, especially considered they are not well made. (Unless you move into a historic district, which is what I would do if you're working at or near the airport.)

Fun things...heck, whadda ya like to do??? (Aside from deep sea
Fun things...heck, whadda ya like to do??? (Aside from deep sea

Nothin' like enjoying a peaceful day out on the for the freakin wake boarders. Wouldn't be so bad if they respected one's fishin' space.
INMHO The housing costs are predicted to continue increasing for another 5 to 10 years, for this area (Phx). Not drastically, but increasing. My suggestion is to get into a house as soon as possible. "Things to do?" You can find just about everything here. Water skiing, fishing, hunting, snow skiing, curling, clubbing, Theaters, off-roading, hiking, the list goes on and on. No I am not a tour guide....but....Welcome to Arizona. :)
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Just to put things in perspective, I pay $2,000 for a 3 bedroom apartment in Key West. Trailers *start* at $350k, and thats JUST for the trailer (not the land). A 2 bedroom 2 bath condo (basicly apartment) is going for $550,000.

Don't even get me started on actual HOMES.

You'd think with us getting flooded out by Wilma people would be dropping prices left & right to get out of here, when in fact they've skyrocketed SINCE the hurricane.
Just to put things in perspective, I pay $2,000 for a 3 bedroom apartment in Key West. Trailers *start* at $350k, and thats JUST for the trailer (not the land). A 2 bedroom 2 bath condo (basicly apartment) is going for $550,000.

Don't even get me started on actual HOMES.

You'd think with us getting flooded out by Wilma people would be dropping prices left & right to get out of here, when in fact they've skyrocketed SINCE the hurricane.
Well then, with those prices, you should be just fine in PHX.

Good luck and welcome. Hurry before it gets too hot. But then again, it is a dry heat!! Especially compared to Florida.
Welcome to PHX - if you do two wheels you are welcome to join us for a ride sometime. AZ Bike Week is this week.
You'd think with us getting flooded out by Wilma people would be dropping prices left & right to get out of here, when in fact they've skyrocketed SINCE the hurricane.

My father lives in Sarasota and tells me the same thing. It's crazy with all the hurricanes and the prices of homes continue to skyrocket! Grew up in Bradenton and I get lost trying to find my way around. If I were you I'd start gathering information about homes out here. I wouldn't rush into buying one. I have a friend who is a realtor and he has told me things are slowing down and it's becoming a buyers market.
Anyone have any idea one what apartment prices are like out there? If I relocated I would be looking for something affordable and nice, but not too nice!
Anyone have any idea one what apartment prices are like out there? If I relocated I would be looking for something affordable and nice, but not too nice!

A look at will show you 1-bedroom apartments at around $600-$700 range. Mesa is cheaper but with poor public services and some bad neighborhoods. I once lived here in Mesa and the rent is very low. It's a nice apartment complex but surrounded by a high crime area.
$495 for a 1-bedroom with a balcony at the living room and bedroom. TWO balconies! I remember sitting on the balcony and watching the America West planes fly over.

Any more questions, just PM me.
Trek?? Pedal?? Exercise?? I was refering to ones with a motor but you are welcome to join us - I would be happy to introduce you to some that do the pedal thing - let me know when you are in the airport sometime would be happy to walk up and say HI.
But then again, it is a dry heat!! didn't have to say that!

