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Busiest Day of the Year


Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
On Wednesday, Nov. 24, Thanksgiving Eve, we posted a mishandled bag report (MBR) ratio (unaudited) of only 1.19 per 1,000 bags handled!

What a great job by the front line yet again!
The overall ops was also outstanding.
Nov 24
4 cxld
A14 82
Nov 24
0 cxld
A14 90

And the express had outstanding ops too with an A14 of 86 & 91 respectfuly.

Great Job Evryone! 😀
Yea we do a great & the company never once says thank you. The managers just continue to hassle & write up people for things such as Workbrain screw ups & other stuff :angry:
Do you have to be thanked for doing your job?

I am not making excuses for management, but seriously your all adults.

And your thank you is your paycheck and benefits.

And if they violate the CBA file a grievance.
Yea we do a great & the company never once says thank you. The managers just continue to hassle & write up people for things such as Workbrain screw ups & other stuff :angry:
Well in PHX they were serving full Thanksgiving dinners upstairs and down for all the employees. There was a sizable banner that featured a comical turkey and a message thanking employees for all they had done. I ended up eating way more than I should have, but that comes with the holiday. There's also the $500 (so far) this year in performance payouts, and those are kind of a thank-you I guess.

I think you misunderstand the meaning of Thanksgiving. It's being thankful for what you have, not insisting other people show how thankful they are of you.

They wouldn't be management if they weren't hassling people and trying to write them up; that's what they do. You'd think that for one or two of our most hallowed holidays people could suck it up and deal with it or refrain, but it just goes to show that some people can't resist any opportunity to complain. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that there are times when no one wants to hear it.
Well maybe I didn't say to well & I 'm sorry if I didn't Please accept my apology. I'm a very thankful person & for the good things they do I'm also thankful. There is just some stuff going on here that shouldn't be & that kinda takes it away.

700 please accept my apology for previous post if you saw it. I've deleted it.
Well in PHX they were serving full Thanksgiving dinners upstairs and down for all the employees. There was a sizable banner that featured a comical turkey and a message thanking employees for all they had done. I ended up eating way more than I should have, but that comes with the holiday. There's also the $500 (so far) this year in performance payouts, and those are kind of a thank-you I guess.

I think you misunderstand the meaning of Thanksgiving. It's being thankful for what you have, not insisting other people show how thankful they are of you.

They wouldn't be management if they weren't hassling people and trying to write them up; that's what they do. You'd think that for one or two of our most hallowed holidays people could suck it up and deal with it or refrain, but it just goes to show that some people can't resist any opportunity to complain. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that there are times when no one wants to hear it.
AGREED. The 'Holiday Meal' is certainly a very nice gesture of Thanks, not to mention no small change to provide. Having Management Personnel come in to serve it (it's not like they are At Home reclining in a Lazyboy chair) should show You that THEY (Management) appreciate the sacrifice ON Duty Employees have made to Come To Work and deserve a Holiday Meal too. Many businesses have 24/7 operations and More often than Not, many of these businesses Do NOT offer any type of 'extra' benefits, so Be greatful The Meal is Provided. Not everyone can HAVE the Day Off. It IS a Nice Benefit that Many Other Employers Do Not provide for their employees........and they do NOT have to do it either.
Watch yourself Astro, I got chewed out on another thread basically saying the same thing. :lol:
Watch yourself Astro, I got chewed out on another thread basically saying the same thing. :lol:
🙄 Holiday Greetings and all that 'Happy' stuff! Trust Me, Some People will NEVER be Happy or satisfied with ANYTHING in Life and just the thought of contemplating How they Feel about a Holiday Meal is the least of My problems. I can be quite jaded on several issues (although my position is pretty much the RIGHT ONE, uhmm, cough-cough) but these people that insist on having P*ss and Vinegar EVERDAY gets tiresome in a World where there are so many people that just don't give a --------! I call it as I see it. 😛
May I ask a general question of the readers of this particular topic?

WHAT is the reason that Thanksgiving meals were provided to active crewmembers and line workers? Was it a warm and fuzzy or was it a cold and calculated necessity to get the work done with minimal griping? IMHO, your answer to this basic question is fundamental to the future of management/labor relations.
We all signed on to be transportation workers. That means we work holidays. Boo Hoo, get over it. I feel it is necessary to redirect the point to "was it a warm and fuzzy or was it a cold and calculated necessity"?
I would like to work for a company that truly acknowledged my sacrifice, and really appreciated my efforts, vs. that's your job, do it.
How do you feel about that?
May I ask a general question of the readers of this particular topic?

WHAT is the reason that Thanksgiving meals were provided to active crewmembers and line workers? Was it a warm and fuzzy or was it a cold and calculated necessity to get the work done with minimal griping? IMHO, your answer to this basic question is fundamental to the future of management/labor relations.

It goes back to the days when holidays were like every other day. No time and a half, if some one called off it was like taking any other day off. So people stayed home.