Bush Flys United Airlines

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  • #18
awwwwwww :p


  • bush_twins.jpg
    22.2 KB · Views: 205
C'mon guys, the daughters didn't ask for publicity nor are they trying to capitalize on their family name a la Hugh Rodham et al.

I didn't vote for Bush the first time either and you cannot blame the airline industry woes on his policies.

That silly image posted by fly should be removed. As a father of daughters I'm offended.

BTW, the WSJ editorial is correct folks. You want our gov't leaders to demonstrate tough love just as long as it doesn't affect your pocketbook or family.
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:huh: sigh....the PC police are out and about. So in the name of fairness:


  • embaressed.gif
    24 KB · Views: 206
mr. hell...i agree that the bush twins didn't ask for the limelight. i also read that they could totally care less that their father is the leader (which just gave me heart burn) of this US.

However - they were born into a very prominent family and that's just the way it is. I would think they'd have the discrretion to respect the fact that their family is prominent and not go to a bar when they were under 21 and booze it up with the secret service in tow. kids are kids - but come on.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
BTW, the WSJ editorial is correct folks. You want our gov't leaders to demonstrate tough love just as long as it doesn't affect your pocketbook or family.
Oddly enough, I am reading a book called "Smoke and Mirrors". It's all about the war on drugs. Seems it got rolling really good during the Reagan years, and under Mr. Bushes administration, things got even tougher. For example, one guy got a 10 year federal prison term (no parole) for less than 9 ounces of marijuana. Had daddy know of W's cocaine use back then, one has to wonder if he would have been subjected to the same sort of "tough love" that his dad's administration was encouraging.
When Nixon was President he did a publicity stunt type of thing and flew commercial one time instead of AF One. I remember it was a UNITED DC-10, I think from Dulles to LAX. It was the first and last time he or any President since has flown commercial while holding office.
Because of Kerry's massive wealth and to whom he is married, he can't possibly represent me or any other employEE's concerns for our country. Secondly, since he only dated wealthy women and married one, he has no idea what the ordinary woman needs or wants and neither does a Heinz. He has no understanding of family values since all his kids were privileged. It would be a huge mistake for this country to elect him as President of the common folk. He is in the wrong party. You don't like Bush because of his wealth and he is not loquacious enough to satisfy the erudite, however, he tells it like he sees it. But Kerry is a known prevaricator and engages in double talk and when he is finished with his speeches, you do not know what he has said. Typical Capitol Hill political double talk.
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Face it....no one poor is EVER going to be the President of the United States....never. I'm not voting for Bush, not because he has a ton of money but because I think he is a danger to every American.
novaqt said:
Because of Kerry's massive wealth and to whom he is married, he can't possibly represent me or any other employEE's concerns for our country. Secondly, since he only dated wealthy women and married one, he has no idea what the ordinary woman needs or wants and neither does a Heinz. He has no understanding of family values since all his kids were privileged. It would be a huge mistake for this country to elect him as President of the common folk. He is in the wrong party. You don't like Bush because of his wealth and he is not loquacious enough to satisfy the erudite, however, he tells it like he sees it. But Kerry is a known prevaricator and engages in double talk and when he is finished with his speeches, you do not know what he has said. Typical Capitol Hill political double talk.
So, the main man should be ......................

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Dumbya's LAST flt. on AF-1 will be on 1/20/05 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:down: :down: :down:

Bush is a great president...but that is not what this poll is about. United is not best airline in the US. Their service stinks. Their employees arnt the nicest either.

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