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Bush duped on Iraq intel?

I remember reading at the time that there was quite a bit of circumstantial evidence that the delay and subsequent release of the hostages was orchestrated by Bush Sr. to give his boss a grand entrance. I only heard Carter speak of it one time and even then he would not really say it. His argument being that it would not change what transpired and the facts would not benefit the nation in any way so he remained silent on the issue.

I never excused Carter nor do I blame 9/11 on W. The issues surrounding these 2 events were in motion long before either of them took office Whether or not anything could have been done to stop either event is debatable. The impetus for both events was our support for the wrong side for the wrong reasons. As far as Iran is considered, the military failed in their attempt to rescue the hostages. I guess the military is not perfect. As for Iraq, we all know what is going on there so no need to go into that yet again.
I remember reading at the time that there was quite a bit of circumstantial evidence that the delay and subsequent release of the hostages was orchestrated by Bush Sr. to give his boss a grand entrance. I only heard Carter speak of it one time and even then he would not really say it. His argument being that it would not change what transpired and the facts would not benefit the nation in any way so he remained silent on the issue.

I never excused Carter nor do I blame 9/11 on W. The issues surrounding these 2 events were in motion long before either of them took office Whether or not anything could have been done to stop either event is debatable. The impetus for both events was our support for the wrong side for the wrong reasons. As far as Iran is considered, the military failed in their attempt to rescue the hostages. I guess the military is not perfect. As for Iraq, we all know what is going on there so no need to go into that yet again.

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That's the stuff. It stunk back then and the stench is still there. What the republicans have been willing to do for political gain is truly abhorrent.