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Bronner''s Irresponsible Comments

On 1/19/2003 9:02:27 PM dashflyer wrote:

I think the point needs to be made that Mr. Bronner is not doing very well at promoting a product he just invested quite a bit of money in. How can you justify putting peoples hard earned money into a company that flys a "piece of junk"?

I'm all for Non-PC, but people worry about prop airplanes enough with out them being called a piece of junk!

Actually, I don't believe this man should be "allowed" to comment publicly on any aspect of business. He obviously has no clue as to "tact" or "perception", and seems to convey little but arrogance. Obviously he doesn't care how he comes across to employees (the I-Have-All-The-Cards attitude), but he really should care about how the customer perceives him in regard to U. I don't think if he lived two livetimes he would get the concept of "customer service".
On 1/19/2003 10:24:49 PM PITbull wrote:



On 1/19/2003 5:51:22 PM autofixer wrote:

It is interesting that his answer to how much of his investment was in U, his answer was, "miniscule." That is a little scary. It shows that Mr. Bronner may up and walk away at any given time. The ice is truly thin around here.



My take on that word he used "miniscule", as meaning "a drop in the bucket" compared to that same money they make in the Dow. Again, this guy from the South, comes across as a guy with little substance and few words.
What is it with the anit-southern biggotry? I hav e lived in the north and I have lived in the south, the only difference is the accent (and the weather).
On 1/20/2003 9:12:25 AM 1ab wrote:

Seem like we allow ourselves a lot of time to blow things out of proportion.....yeh he mess up earlier about liquidated U and yeh he probably should not use "piece of junk " when describing an aircraft but I found the interview to be positive .

Also remember this is maybe the only country so apprehensive for flying in props..Quantas just ordered more props for flying in Australia and I have seen props flying in Germany, Ireland and Canada.
Maybe we can give our props back and have them remarketed in those countries and maybe there will be other markets such as the caribbean,south america and africa.

Well only time will tell eh....

Thanks for being a voice of reason!!
Seem like we allow ourselves a lot of time to blow things out of proportion.....yeh he mess up earlier about liquidated U and yeh he probably should not use "piece of junk " when describing an aircraft but I found the interview to be positive .

Also remember this is maybe the only country so apprehensive for flying in props..Quantas just ordered more props for flying in Australia and I have seen props flying in Germany, Ireland and Canada.
Maybe we can give our props back and have them remarketed in those countries and maybe there will be other markets such as the caribbean,south america and africa.

Well only time will tell eh....
On 1/19/2003 11:43:49 PM ONTHESTREET wrote:

On 1/19/2003 10:25:19 PM cavalier wrote:

I hate to tell you but flameouts happen on turbo props just like they do on the CFM's or Rolls or GE, etc. The public doesn't care that it may be safe. It "their" perception and they are the ones paying your salary.


You have to forgive me, I am just a dumb slow and stupid A&P mechanic and did not know about burn-outs or, oh, I mean flash-outs, or is that flash- overs. Or maybe I was just flamed? Hmmmm, I will have to think about this. . . . .


What do you work on?

Radios both new and antique, electronics, fiber optics, clocks, antique cw sending devices, antennas and their supporting structures, appliances, planes, trains and automobiles, EICAS & EEC systems, N1 & N2 systems, UDF & UHB turbine engines, three-dimensional cams, keel beams and Townsend rings. That was just off the top of my head, hope this helps.
Dear Yins-[BR][BR]I saw the offending article in the NY Times on a US flight to DEN from CLT. That guy really needs to keep his pie hole shut. I put off booking additional trips on US because I thought the airline was toast on Dec. 20. [BR][BR]Nothing scares a passenger like me more than being stuck in Europe or the West Coast with worthless tickets. I even thought about booking on...Delta (yekk). Then after recently using some miles for a nice trip back to Colorado, the CS people were so good (found me good seats, nice flight, etc), I booked a trip to Europe. After all the stuff that's happened, they were still nicer than a grizzled AA employee.[BR][BR]You all are seriously the best airline out there - keep up the good work![BR][BR]Deltaflot
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR] [BR]Actually, I don't believe this man should be "allowed" to comment publicly on any aspect of business. He obviously has no clue as to "tact" or "perception", and seems to convey little but arrogance. Obviously he doesn't care how he comes across to employees (the I-Have-All-The-Cards attitude), but he really should care about how the customer perceives him in regard to U. I don't think if he lived two livetimes he would get the concept of "customer service".
[P][/P][STRONG][FONT face="Courier New"]notice the comment regarding cuban cigars?i thought it was a big time violation of federal law to own cuban ceeg's.[/FONT][/STRONG][/BLOCKQUOTE]
On 1/20/2003 9:51:08 AM cavalier wrote:

On 1/19/2003 11:43:49 PM ONTHESTREET wrote:

On 1/19/2003 10:25:19 PM cavalier wrote:

I hate to tell you but flameouts happen on turbo props just like they do on the CFM's or Rolls or GE, etc. The public doesn't care that it may be safe. It "their" perception and they are the ones paying your salary.


You have to forgive me, I am just a dumb slow and stupid A&P mechanic and did not know about burn-outs or, oh, I mean flash-outs, or is that flash- overs. Or maybe I was just flamed? Hmmmm, I will have to think about this. . . . .


What do you work on?

Radios both new and antique, electronics, fiber optics, clocks, antique cw sending devices, antennas and their supporting structures, appliances, planes, trains and automobiles, EICAS & EEC systems, N1 & N2 systems, UDF & UHB turbine engines, three-dimensional cams, keel beams and Townsend rings. That was just off the top of my head, hope this helps.

Just trying to figure out if you were serious about the turbo-props not bieng able to flame out? Seemed like it had to be a joke coming from an A&P. If you really did not know, that was when I was going to worry!
Just trying to figure out if you were serious about the turbo-props not bieng able to flame out? Seemed like it had to be a joke coming from an A&P. If you really did not know, that was when I was going to worry!
I am sorry for my poor humor. These boards are some full of doom and gloom and woe is me and this guy is the devil, on and on. I was making a stupid joke, nothing more or less.
I am sorry but "flame outs"? What turbo prop are you flying in! I have been working on turbo props for 18 years and have never seen or heard of a "flame out"on an engine type that i have worked on. Auto feather,inflight shut down,engine making metal etc.sure..... but not a flame out.
It is possible with free turbines, Such as the PT-6 etc. Rare but possible. Most common cause is very heavy rain injestion. (Hence the need for inertial separators.) Most PT-6 applications use them.

A free turbine, turboprop (as you know) is nothing more than a jet engine using its air to turn the power turbine, which is connected to the gear box for the propeller. Just as with a turbojet, turboprops can encounter compressor stall, flameout, hot-start, hung-start etc.

I have never flown anything with a garritt engine, So I cannot comment on direct drive turbo-props.

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